Essays collection 2012
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"software product"
Belanji Juraj

Abstract. When a man stands in front of a problem, the first instinctive thing that occurs to him is to create a plan to solve that problem. Although that plan is not formally written, each person creates a plan in his mind. For creating a software product, a plan is also needed. The plan is the cornerstone of creating a good software product. As each person is a unique individual, so must any new plan be unique. But is this really true? Is it possible to create a plan, which would be a blueprint for creating new plans? This essay identifies errors that occur while creating a plan. The essay offers a different view on universal planning, and shows that sometimes a universally created plan yields better results than a newly created one.

Zachar Radoslav

Abstract. Documentation is text necessary belong to every software product. Each developer or development team has to create their own documentation. Content of the documentation always strongly depends on the size and complexity of the product. It’s lot of time spending on creating documentation guarantees the quality of software? Creating high-quality documentation is not as easy as it may seem. It is very important to know how to reasonably divide the entire development time between the creation of documentation and writing source code.

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monitoring software project metrics function points plan planning software product risk management test driven development error effective communication sofware metrics software development team problems development software quality development support management extreme programming pair programming Scrum communication relations control progress subversion git critical path method project planning estimation agile development risks motivation requirement collection testing use case points support tools support tools outsourcing team size estimation version management quality cooperation risk documentation project software versioning conflict