Essays collection 2013
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Čertek Martin

Abstract. The proper functioning of the team requires a lot of effort to handle different members. The cornerstone of effective sharing and exchanging information is knowledge of the environment. Communication changes dynamically, often with changing moods of the team members. This paper discusses several aspects of the Emotional Intelligence, focusing on the processes of team and individual factors affecting the conduct of the team. Essay presents the results of studies showing the impact of emotional effect on team members and increases the overall productivity of the team.

Filčák Tomáš

Abstract. Monitoring is an important part of software development. There are many sources that discuss about different approaches, pros and cons, usability of knowledge and associated problems. Completely different topic is the impact of the choosen kind of metric application. It does not represent a different form, but a way of putting into practice. Each of method is specific and each provides a number of various affects in development itself, as well as relationships within a team and beyond. I would like to think about different ways of employees or software monitoring and influence of applicated method on employess and software behaviour or quality.

Proksa Ondrej

Abstract. Currently, there are high demands on software development. For a team to succeed in fierce competition, it is no logner sufficient to be just good enough.The key member of the team is its leader, who is responsible for the realisation of the project, operation of the team, incuding teams comunication. Work and operation of a team allways depends on quality of comunication between its members. It is a challenge for the team leader to guide the communication in the right direction and to be able to keep his team motivated to succeed. In my essay I am reviewing different forms of comunication, their effectivness, and advantages and disadvantages of different comunication tools. In latter part I am focusing on proper comunication from the team leaders point of view, where I conclude with my opinion on intercontection between efective comunication and motivation.

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plan schedule communication software project team monitoring agile development customer risks risk Scrum planning risk management version management management disadvantages quality software extreme programming pair programming motivation success support tools version control quality management documentation agile methods software development tasks software metrics team project documentation management project metrics waterfall model manual guide development support small teams usability testing software quality support tools development support management software configuration quality control version control system efficiency agile methods of software development