Essays collection 2013
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Gomola Matej

Abstract. This essay focuses on tools supporting project management and issue tracking. Introduction of such tools affects much of the work on project and though it should be considered in what scale or extent is the tool applied. In the end of the essay I consider how can a management tool in some organizations become a reason for slowing the progress of the project. I focus on a part of issue tracking, communication and information sharing. In conclusion I try to propose solutions and avoid problems, that are likely to arise when such tools are used.

Michalec Peter

Abstract. Different methods for planning schedules are nowadays used not only in schools, but also in various companies or personal lives. It also plays a large role in software projects for both individuals and teams of people. Everyone tries to do their best to plan the project well, although the extent to which the project is well planned is hardly measurable. Custom software is created for many years and created several advices which managers should keep in mind during planning, so that their project will not fail. The scrum methodology as one of the agile software development methods, strives to provide solutions to improve and clarify the planning of software projects. After a few years of experience with this methodology, there are tips on how to improve such a little planning. It is important, however, to pay attention and try to follow these tips. This is especially important for inexperienced students, who for the first time face teamwork in the team project subject to our faculty.

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plan schedule communication software project team monitoring agile development customer risks risk Scrum planning risk management version management management disadvantages quality software extreme programming pair programming motivation success support tools version control quality management documentation agile methods software development tasks software metrics team project documentation management project metrics waterfall model manual guide development support small teams usability testing software quality support tools development support management software configuration quality control version control system efficiency agile methods of software development