Essays collection 2013
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Bystrický Michal

Abstract. The control version system is helping with backups and managing versions. However, there are many cases where usage of the control version system is a disadvantage. This essay concentrate on these particular cases. I discuss the control version system from the different perspectives and whether it is appropriate to use.

Pakan Filip

Abstract. Despite advanced technologies and support tools for software development still a lot of software projects fail nowadays. In recent years attention is turning towards risk management. Research in this field has shown that identifying and efficient controlling of risks may significantly decrease the probability of project failure. Practice confirms the findings of research and proves that risk management has already saved numbers of projects and large amount of resources. Although there are many undoubtable benefits of managing risks in software projects I will try to propose some drawbacks of risk management from my point of view in this essay. Furthermore I will try to identify and discuss what risks are closely related to risk management. Moreover I will offer some of my own ideas to eliminate risks of risk management in context of new and inexperienced team developing software system. The goal of this essay is not to discourage the readers from integrating risk management into their projects. The goal is to notify the readers about potential weaknesses of risk management and to propose them several useful hints how to manage risks even more precisely.

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plan schedule communication software project team monitoring agile development customer risks risk Scrum planning risk management version management management disadvantages quality software extreme programming pair programming motivation success support tools version control quality management documentation agile methods software development tasks software metrics team project documentation management project metrics waterfall model manual guide development support small teams usability testing software quality support tools development support management software configuration quality control version control system efficiency agile methods of software development