Essays collection 2013
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"risk management"
Britvík Andrej

Abstract. According to numerous surveys a lot of software projects fail nowadays, just like they did in the past. They experience cost and schedule overruns or significantly reduced functionality. Some of them are even canceled before completion. Even if numbers say that projects nowadays are a bit more successful than before, it does not have to be true. People seldom admit that they failed. Risk management is trying to prevent projects from failing by eliminating risks produced by many factors that affect project outcome. There are known lists full of various risks so it should not be a problem to identify possible risks for our project. Even if we identified all the risks, it is not guaranteed that our project would be successful. In this essay I am trying to expose hidden dangers of risk management. These dangers may have a significant effect on project outcome and people might not even know they exist.

Gajdoš Jozef

Abstract. Nowadays, the Information Technology penetrates into all sectors of human society and even healtcare. In the medical softwarethere is the greatest a ubiquitous part of the medical devices with a very specific area of software systems. And even in terms of the actual software solution as well as in the development of risk management. In medical software is the greatest risk associated with patient deaths or irreversible health damage and therefore the risk management goes to extreme measures to eliminate these risks. In this essay, I compare the specific procedures to eliminate the risk of failure in the medical software with e-shop and the banking system. Are mutual applicability and meaning of these solutions in various industries.

Gondár Jakub

Abstract. Risk management is important element in software development management. It seems that risk management is underestimated or is missing completely in many software projects. I wonder if this could be because there is lack of risk management in education. In my essay I deal with question, if educating risk management will help prevent disasters in software projects. Essay starts with introduction to risk management then I will deal with need of risk management education for software engineering students. I introduce some of educating methods from abroad, case study based education and interesting innovative method based on interactive game. At the end I summarize results of mentioned methods.

Grega Jaroslav

Abstract. In today's world full of uncertainty, it is necessary to count with many dangers in each area. Such area is the development of software and information systems. In this essay I would like to acquaint the reader with the issue of risk management. The introduction will describe basic terms of risk management. Then moving on to the actual problem which I will apply knowledge of risk management in the subject team project. After a brief introduction to explain why risk management is important and why it is important to deal with it. Since not everybody knows how to deal with managing risk, I decided to bring this essay as I see it based on their own experience.

Hlavenka Marián

Abstract. The worst kinds of problems that may occur during the course of a software project are the unexpected. Therefore, it is extremely important for the success of the whole project to choose the right approach to risk management right at the beginning of the project, to determine all the possible risks so we won’t be met with any unexpected problems. Selection of incorrect or improper approach for your team can result in unnecessary complications or even complete failure of risk management, which can lead to the failure of the whole project. How do I choose the right approach to risk management for the project? How does the structure of the team influence the selection of the right approach? Those were the issues that I addressed and looked for their answer. I chose four risk management approaches which I compared in their suitability for different structures of the team during all the different phases of the approaches. Every approach has its use in specific cases, but there are also weaknesses that are best eliminated by combining multiple approaches.

Kunka Tomáš

Abstract. Despite at least two decades of software risk management research, including some extensive research programs, software project failure is frequent. Resources for software risk management remain limited despite its importance in software projects. Essay discusses ethical hacking as one technique of risk management, lesser known in our country. It points out risks of ethical hacking and suggests solutions for these risks by proper education in school. These suggestions are universal and can be used in many other areas of education. It also brings critical view of ethical hackers and searches for right spot for them in risk management process.

Lihocký Michal

Abstract. Risk management is generally considered as an important part of software development, yet it happens very often that teams don’t support it. But how come that people are not willing to spend any resources to support risk management although they realize its importance? What prevents them to do so? What are main barriers in introducing risk management? Even after we successfully introduce risk management within a project, there are still many problems that we will face. What are the other problems we may face regarding risk management? Are there any recommended best practices in this field? Is there any concrete approach or model that would seem to be applicable in our project we develop within Team Project course? These are the main problems discussed in this essay.

Pakan Filip

Abstract. Despite advanced technologies and support tools for software development still a lot of software projects fail nowadays. In recent years attention is turning towards risk management. Research in this field has shown that identifying and efficient controlling of risks may significantly decrease the probability of project failure. Practice confirms the findings of research and proves that risk management has already saved numbers of projects and large amount of resources. Although there are many undoubtable benefits of managing risks in software projects I will try to propose some drawbacks of risk management from my point of view in this essay. Furthermore I will try to identify and discuss what risks are closely related to risk management. Moreover I will offer some of my own ideas to eliminate risks of risk management in context of new and inexperienced team developing software system. The goal of this essay is not to discourage the readers from integrating risk management into their projects. The goal is to notify the readers about potential weaknesses of risk management and to propose them several useful hints how to manage risks even more precisely.

Ružička Pavol

Abstract. In this essay we are going to deal with the management of risks in the development of software, but in terms of supporting tools. These tools would help us in the management of risks or in the best case they should make the decision instead of us. The important question is whether it is suitable to use the concrete tool for the existing risk. Before we start to use any tool we have to consider what information it needs for the input and what can be provided for us. It is needed to consider whether the thing that will be provided for us is worthwhile and the money that we have to have for using this tool are also important. If we use the production device inappropriately it can give us wrong output information. This can influence our decisions and make a mistake. The mistake in the management of risks can influence the project in the way we will not be able to finish it successfully.

Tomlein Matúš

Abstract. Software projects tend to have a poor implementation of risk management processes, which is a common reason why many projects are not ready to enter the market or face numerous problems during development. However, there is also room for an opposing problem, which is excessive and inefficient risk management. Although it is rare, excessive risk management can cause losses and threaten the project. How can such situation manifest in real projects? And what are the best practices to avoid it? This essay aims to provide answers to these questions and discusses various factors that might cause excessive risk management.

Trebuľa Ján

Abstract. Risk management is an important part of software project management. Why is so difficult to implement theoretical principles of risk management in practice? Empirical study results, which I analyze in this essay could respond. Moreover, in this essay I present and consider modeling framework of development software project that is directed by objectives. Whereas can be this framework effective? For which teams is actually aimed? Reflections about similar issues along with potential future work are situated in final section of this essay.

Ujhelyi Matúš

Abstract. This essay analyses and points on to the problems and risks, which results from establishing and executing the methods of agile software development in big companies. It tries to adjust the weaknesses of agile development, which are hidden if the agile software development is executed in small companies. The correct solutions of these problems are not a part of this essay, because of their complexity.

Villaris Vojtech

Abstract. Development of software projects is often linked with different outer or inner risks, which might cause various problems. There are several publications providing some guidelines and techniques for mitigating such risks but most of them are designed for large companies and are focused on bigger software projects. For this reason my essay is primary oriented toward smaller teams that are developing small scale projects. Its aim is also to transpose the process of managing risks to academical ground of semestral projects developed in teams. Therefore this essay describes main differences between large and small projects as well as risks that are considered the greatest ones in this area.

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plan schedule communication software project team monitoring agile development customer risks risk Scrum planning risk management version management management disadvantages quality software extreme programming pair programming motivation success support tools version control quality management documentation agile methods software development tasks software metrics team project documentation management project metrics waterfall model manual guide development support small teams usability testing software quality support tools development support management software configuration quality control version control system efficiency agile methods of software development