Essays collection 2013
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"software development"
Gajdoš Jozef

Abstract. Nowadays, the Information Technology penetrates into all sectors of human society and even healtcare. In the medical softwarethere is the greatest a ubiquitous part of the medical devices with a very specific area of software systems. And even in terms of the actual software solution as well as in the development of risk management. In medical software is the greatest risk associated with patient deaths or irreversible health damage and therefore the risk management goes to extreme measures to eliminate these risks. In this essay, I compare the specific procedures to eliminate the risk of failure in the medical software with e-shop and the banking system. Are mutual applicability and meaning of these solutions in various industries.

Krajčovič Jozef

Abstract. Software development is an increasingly complex matter that involves a large number of diverse processes and requirements. This prompted the company to reorganize management of consistent stimulus to more efficient use of available resources. One of these sources are supportive tools that are used in the software development process. Way how to anhancement of effectivity at support tools used of software development is to automate routine operations that are mostly performed manually. This essay I will try to convince you of the benefits of using automation. In an essay are alse answer on this questions. What and when to automate? Application of automation is also beneficial in small teams and small projects?

Lihocký Michal

Abstract. Risk management is generally considered as an important part of software development, yet it happens very often that teams don’t support it. But how come that people are not willing to spend any resources to support risk management although they realize its importance? What prevents them to do so? What are main barriers in introducing risk management? Even after we successfully introduce risk management within a project, there are still many problems that we will face. What are the other problems we may face regarding risk management? Are there any recommended best practices in this field? Is there any concrete approach or model that would seem to be applicable in our project we develop within Team Project course? These are the main problems discussed in this essay.

Trebuľa Ján

Abstract. Risk management is an important part of software project management. Why is so difficult to implement theoretical principles of risk management in practice? Empirical study results, which I analyze in this essay could respond. Moreover, in this essay I present and consider modeling framework of development software project that is directed by objectives. Whereas can be this framework effective? For which teams is actually aimed? Reflections about similar issues along with potential future work are situated in final section of this essay.

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plan schedule communication software project team monitoring agile development customer risks risk Scrum planning risk management version management management disadvantages quality software extreme programming pair programming motivation success support tools version control quality management documentation agile methods software development tasks software metrics team project documentation management project metrics waterfall model manual guide development support small teams usability testing software quality support tools development support management software configuration quality control version control system efficiency agile methods of software development