Essays collection 2013
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"waterfall model"
Konôpka Martin

Abstract. Important part of project planning is the creation of plan and its monitoring. However, activities planned for the completion of the project often take longer than was expected. There are several approaches for development of software projects and each uses different way of planning. Customer requirements for the software projects frequently change and so does the project plan even during its formation. Planning Manager must be able to respond to emerging changes in customer requirements or problems in implementation of the plan. The key thing is to visualize the plan but each approach for development offers different techniques. Since we do not know a way how to create perfect plan, there can be no perfect technique either. But we can combine the advantages of several techniques together. In the essay, we discuss combination of existing techniques for plan visualization in a traditional and agile approach.

Nagy František

Abstract. Quality is immensely important when developing any product. That holds even for development of software. In this essay, we will take a look on two different approaches to process of development, waterfall model and agile methods and compare how they assure quality. We will especially evaluate, which offers more controll over quality of final product to both developer and customer.

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plan schedule communication software project team monitoring agile development customer risks risk Scrum planning risk management version management management disadvantages quality software extreme programming pair programming motivation success support tools version control quality management documentation agile methods software development tasks software metrics team project documentation management project metrics waterfall model manual guide development support small teams usability testing software quality support tools development support management software configuration quality control version control system efficiency agile methods of software development