Essays collection 2013
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"support tools"
Lóderer Marek

Abstract. Information and knowledge is an important part of every team. Large number of specialized software tools is used to transmit, process and store information. Teams try to choose tools that best cover their needs. This essay highlights the different groups of software tools that allow the transmission and storage of information in teams. It describes some of their common and different features. The essay describes a group of support tools that are used to share source codes and solve problems and errors discovered in software development process. Data from these support tools can produce new information and hidden dependencies. They can help managers to manage their team and enable timely response to emerging issues. The essay also describes several ways to streamline the processing of data from those systems, in order to produce more accurate and reliable information.

Ružička Pavol

Abstract. In this essay we are going to deal with the management of risks in the development of software, but in terms of supporting tools. These tools would help us in the management of risks or in the best case they should make the decision instead of us. The important question is whether it is suitable to use the concrete tool for the existing risk. Before we start to use any tool we have to consider what information it needs for the input and what can be provided for us. It is needed to consider whether the thing that will be provided for us is worthwhile and the money that we have to have for using this tool are also important. If we use the production device inappropriately it can give us wrong output information. This can influence our decisions and make a mistake. The mistake in the management of risks can influence the project in the way we will not be able to finish it successfully.

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plan schedule communication software project team monitoring agile development customer risks risk Scrum planning risk management version management management disadvantages quality software extreme programming pair programming motivation success support tools version control quality management documentation agile methods software development tasks software metrics team project documentation management project metrics waterfall model manual guide development support small teams usability testing software quality support tools development support management software configuration quality control version control system efficiency agile methods of software development