Essays collection 2012
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"software quality"
Fábik Pavol

Abstract. Quality is very familiar to us. We are in contact with it on everyday basis. It has strategic meaning for the software projects. There are several techniques how to achieve quality in software projects. I will analyze source code measuring techniques in this essay, which can developers use to increase quality of their projects. Measures can give developers exact number, which can help them in further coding and increasing quality. There are several quality factors which affect software quality and source code quality is one of the most crucial. Its meaning is very important during development and in maintenance

Jendrej Maroš

Abstract. In an essay dealing with the quality software of systems. I point to resource by which software can ensure software quality. The main resource for quality assurance is testing. I show here to the importance of phases before the start of testing. Quality assurance is not merely testing the software project, but also to prepare the criteria and requirements to be met by specified levels. One of the other resources for the better the quality of the software project is refactoring. Refactoring is changing architecture of the software without having to change his behavior, while increasing its quality. Applying refactoring in the project, but does not improve quality. There are various indicators by which detects whether the refactoring is appropriate and as possible is applicable.

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monitoring software project metrics function points plan planning software product risk management test driven development error effective communication sofware metrics software development team problems development software quality development support management extreme programming pair programming Scrum communication relations control progress subversion git critical path method project planning estimation agile development risks motivation requirement collection testing use case points support tools support tools outsourcing team size estimation version management quality cooperation risk documentation project software versioning conflict