Essays collection 2012
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"function points"
Baďura Filip

Abstract. Every day thousands of people work on development of thousands of software projects. To insure, that a reasonable cost and adequate time are spent on development of these projects, it is necessary to control this development. And it is part of management of project – monitoring, that serves to us, so that we don't waste a time and costs. Monitoring of project helps us to keep project on schedule and avoid unnecessary problems in its development. However, if we want to monitoring project, we need to determinate how to do it, what to look for and which metrics to use.

Hitka Matúš

Abstract. Measurement in software project is the best way to identify project state during its realization. Software metrics are used for measurement in software projects. However, the real value of these metrics may be affected by the psychical effort of measurement on the people. This may leads to the state, when the development of product is oriented to reach better measurement result rather than to achieve a goal. In this paper I discuss suitability and usability of three frequently used software metrics: lines of code (LOC), function points and defect density. All of this metrics have their Pros and Cons. There is no metric that covers all phases of the software development. This is why it is necessary to combine them.

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monitoring software project metrics function points plan planning software product risk management test driven development error effective communication sofware metrics software development team problems development software quality development support management extreme programming pair programming Scrum communication relations control progress subversion git critical path method project planning estimation agile development risks motivation requirement collection testing use case points support tools support tools outsourcing team size estimation version management quality cooperation risk documentation project software versioning conflict