A Min Tjoa
(Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Pozývame vás na stretnutie s vedcom,
zaoberajúcim sa databázami, dátovými skladmi, webom so sémantikou,
bezpečnosťou IT a softvérovým počítaním v oblaku a neštandardnými aplikáciami,
v rámci študentskej vedeckej konferencie IIT.SRC 2013
23. apríla 2013 o 9:00
v Turingovej veľkej učebni
(-1.58, prvé podzemné podlažie) v novej budove FIIT STU v Bratislave
A Min Tjoa is currently full professor at the Vienna University of Technology and Director of the Institute for Software Technology and Interactive Systems. His main research interests are in databases, data warehouses, semantic web, IT security and software engineering.
Since 2008 he has been the chairman of the Austrian National Competence Center for Excellent Technologies (COMET-Program of the Austrian Federal Government) in the field of IT-Security. He was President of the Austrian Computer Society from 1999 to 2003;
He is the Austrian delegate of the Committee of Science and Technology Development (CSTD) of the United Nations and Vice-President of INFOTERM (International Information Center for Terminology). He is also the director of the China-Austria Research and Innovation Center in Logistics, Information Flow, Supply Chain Management and Material Flow in Beijing. Recently, he has re¬ceived the Honorary Doctoral degree (Doctor Honoris Causa) of the Czech University of Technology in Prague and Honorary Professor title from Hue University, Vietnam.