- BABINEC, Š., POSPÍCHAL, J.: Merging Echo State and Feedforward Neural Networks for Time Series Forecasting. In: LNCS Sublibrary: Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2006) 367-375.
- BARLA, M.: Interception of User’s Interests on the Web. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer, Vol. 4018 (2006) 435-439.
- BIELIKOVÁ, M., NAGY, P.: Considering Human Memory Aspects for Adaptation and Its Realization in AHA! In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer, Vol. 4227 (2006) 8-20.
- BIELIKOVÁ, M.: An adaptive web-based system for learning programming. In: International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, Olney, Bucks, Inderscience Publishers, Vol. 16, No. 1/2 (2006) 122-136.
- JAKUBÍK, J., NÁVRAT, P.: Reuse of Pattern’s Source Code. In: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Amsterdam, IOS Press, Vol. 140 (2006) 143-146.
- KVASNIČKA, V., POSPÍCHAL, J.: Deductive rules in holographic reduced representation. In: Neurocomputing. Amsterdam, Elsevier Science B.V., Vol. 69, No. 16-18 (2006) 2127-2139.
- MAJTÁS, Ľ.: Catalogue of Design Patterns. In: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Amsterdam, IOS Press, Vol. 140 (2006) 139-142.
- MATUŠÍKOVÁ, K., BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Personalized Navigation in Open Information Space Represented by Ontology. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer, Vol. 4018 (2006) 298-302.
- MOSTAFA, H., ČIČÁK, P.: Early Registration: Criterion to Improve Communication-Inter Agents in Mobil-IP Protocol. In: International Journal of Information Technology, World Enformatika Society, Vol. 3, No. 3 (2006) 173-179.
- MOSTAFA, H., ČIČÁK, P.: Packet Losses interpretation in Mobile Internet. In: Transactions on Engineering, Computing and Technology, Canakkale, World Enformatika Society, Vol. 12 (2006) 194-197.
- MOSTAFA, H., ČIČÁK, P.: Performance Simulation of a Mobile-IP Extension for Optimized Roaming Service. In: Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica, Vol. 6, No. 1 (2006), 11-19.
- MOSTAFA, H., ČIČÁK, P.: PetriNets Manipulation to Reduce Roaming Duration: Criterion to Improve Handoff Management. In: Transactions on Engineering, Computing and Technology, Canakkale, World Enformatika Society, Vol. 12 (2006) 182-187.
- PARÍZKOVÁ, J.: Effectiveness of Program in Different Language Levels. In: Technology of Education, No.3, Slovdidac, Nitra (2006) 9-12 (in Slovak).
- PARÍZKOVÁ, J.: Specialness of writing string in assembly language. In: Informatics in school, No. 31 (2006) 18-22 (in Slovak).
- TVAROŽEK, M.: Personalized Navigation in the Semantic Web. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer, Vol. 4018 (2006) 467-471.
- VNUK, M., NÁVRAT, P.: Decompression of Run-Time Compressed PE-Files. In: Studies in Informatics and Control, Bucharest, National Institute for R+D in Informatics, Vol. 15, No. 2 (2006) 169-180.
- VRANIĆ, V., ŠÍPKA, M.: Binding Time Based Concept Instantiation in Feature Modeling. In: LNCS Sublibrary, SL 2, Programming and Software Engineering, Springer, Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Reuse of Off-the-Shelf Components (2006) 407-410.
- VRANIĆ, V., ŠNIRC, J.: Integrating Feature Modeling into UML. In: Lecture Notes in Informatics, Bonn, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Vol. P-88 (2006) 3-15.
- ANDREJKO, A., BARLA, M., BIELIKOVÁ, M., TVAROŽEK, M.: Tools for User Characteristics Acquisition. In: Datakon 2006, Proceedings of the Annual Database Conference, Brno (2006) 139-148 (in Slovak).
- ANDREJKO, A., BARLA, M., TVAROŽEK, M.: Comparing Ontological Concepts to Evaluate Similarity. In: Tools for Acquisition, Organisation and Presenting of Information and Knowledge, Research Project Workshop Bystrá dolina, Nízke Tatry, Slovak University of Technology (2006) 71-78.
- ANDREJKO, A.: Approaches to the User Modelling. In: IIT.SRC 2006 – Student Research Conference, Slovak University of Technology, Supervisor: Bieliková, M. (2006) 160-167.
- ANGELOVIČ, P.: From Decision Trees to Random Forests. In: IIT.SRC 2006 – Student Research Conference, Slovak University of Technology, Supervisor: Vojtek, V. (2006) 47-54.
- ANGELOVIČ, P., VOJTEK, V.: Random Forest Optimalization Using Artificial Intelligence. In: Cognition and Artificial Life VI, Třešť, Silesian University Press (2006) 19-23 (in Slovak).
- BABINEC, Š.: Forecasting with Combined Echo State and Feedforward Neural Networks. In: IIT.SRC 2006 – Student Research Conference 2006, Slovak University of Technology, Supervisor: Pospíchal, J. (2006) 55-62.
- BAGALA, A.: Authentication and Credential Management in Grid. In: IIT.SRC 2006 – Student Research Conference 2006, Slovak University of Technology, Supervisor: Hudec, L. (2006) 311-317.
- BARLA, M., BARTALOS, P., FILKORN, R., SIVÁK, P., SZOBI, K., TVAROŽEK, M.: An Ontological Representation Based Approach Towards Automated Building of Data-acquisition Portals. In: Tools for Acquisition, Organisation and Presenting of Information and Knowledge, Research Project Workshop Bystrá dolina, Nízke Tatry, Slovak University of Technology (2006) 223-230.
- BARLA, M., BARTALOS, P., PORUBSKÝ, J., SIVÁK, P., SZOBI, K., TVAROŽEK, M.: Dynamic Ontology Based Form Generation for Portal Solutions. In: IIT.SRC 2006 – Student Research Conference, Slovak University of Technology (2006) 113-120.
- BARLA, M., TVAROŽEK, M.: Automatic Acquisition of Comprehensive Semantic User Activity Logs. In: Tools for Acquisition, Organisation and Presenting of Information and Knowledge, Research Project Workshop Bystrá dolina, Nízke Tatry, Slovak University of Technology (2006) 169-174.
- BARLA, M.: Estimation of User Characteristics from Logs of User Activity. In: Tools for Acguisition, Organisation and Presenting of Information and Knowledge, Research Project Workshop Bystrá dolina, Nízke Tatry, Slovak University of Technology (2006) 175-181.
- BARLA, M.: Interception of User’s Interests on the Web. In: ACM CZ Student Research Competition, 4th Student Research Competition in Informatics and Information Technologies, Prague, Proceedings of Finalists Papers, Supervisor: Bieliková, M. (2006) 1-8.
- BARTALOS, P., MALEČKA, J.: Building Ontological Test Base Using Specialized Ontology Editor. In: Tools for Acquisition, Organisation and Presenting of Information and Knowledge, Research Project Workshop Bystrá dolina, Nízke Tatry, Slovak University of Technology (2006) 40-45.
- BERNÁT, D.: Success of Broadcast in Random Star-like Networks. In: Aplimat 2006: 5th International Conference, Slovak University of Technology (2006) 569-574.
- BERNÁT, D., NEHÉZ, M.: Communication networks and phase transitions. In: Cognition and artificial life VI, Třešť, Silesian University Press (2006) 41-46 (in Slovak).
- BIELIKOVÁ, M., NÁVRAT, P.: Developing Web-based Tools to Support and Enhance Education. In: E-learning II and Knowledge Society with Section for PhD Students in Computing, SOCRATES-ERASMUS 114046-CP-1-2004-1-BG-ERASMUS-TN, Gent, Communication and Cognition (2006) 1-8.
- BIELIKOVÁ, M., MORAVČÍK, M.: Modeling the Content of Adaptive Web-Based System Using an Ontology. In: Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization, 1st International Workshop on Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization SMAP 2006, Athens, Los Alamitos, CA, IEEE Computer Society (2006) 115-120.
- BIELIKOVÁ, M., MORAVČÍK, M.: Using an ontology for representation of the web content for e-learning support. In: Technologies for e-learning 2006, Prague, Czech Technical University (2006) 13-24 (in Slovak).
- BIELIKOVÁ, M., NÁVRAT, P., VOJTÁŠ, P., HLUCHÝ, L., BARTOŠ, P.: Software Tools for Acquiring, Organising and Presenting Information and Knowledge on the Web. In: Datakon 2006, Annual Database Conference. Brno (2006) 1-20. (in Slovak)
- BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Personalized web systems for education support. In: SCO 2006 Sharable Content Objects, 3rd Conference on e-learning, Invited Lecture, Brno (2006) 11 17. (in Slovak)
- BOBRÍK, M.: RNA like artificial life system. In: Cognition and Artificial Life VI, Třešť, Silesian University Press (2006) 79-87 (in Slovak).
- ČERŇANSKÝ, M.: Recurrent Neural Networks – Algorithms and Implementation. In: Cogni¬tion and Artificial Life VI, Třešť, Silesian University Press (2006) 129-135 (in Slovak).
- DRAHOŠ, P., ŠPERKA, M.: Face Expressions Animation in e-Learning. In: E-Learning Conference´06, Coimbra, Portugal, University of Coimbra (2006) 13-18.
- DRAHOŠ, P.: Effective Realtime Human Face Animation. In: Spring Conference on Computer Graphics SCCG 2006: in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH and Eurographics, Častá Papiernička, Comenius University in Bratislava (2006) 63-64.
- FAZEKAS, Z.: On improving Variability by Separation of Concerns in Logical Changes. In: SOFSEM 2006: Theory and practice of Computer science, 32nd International Conference on Current Trends on Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Měřín (2006) 101 110.
- FLOCHOVÁ, J., RADAKOVIČ, F., JOMBÍK, M.: PNDesigner a Tool designed for model based diagnosis and supervisory control of DES. In: WODES, Workshop on discrete event system, Ann Arbor, USA (2006) 471-472.
- FLOCHOVÁ, J., JIROVEANU, G., BOEL, R.: Model-Based Diagnosis of Discrete Event Systems. In: ITI 2006 – 28th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, Cavtat/Dubrovnik (2006) 519-524.
- FLOCHOVÁ, J., MIKLOVIČOVÁ, E., UČNÍK, M.: Model of steam boiler drum technology and data transmission into scad/HMI systems. In: Control of Power and Heating Systems 2006, 7th International Conference, Zlin (2006) 27 p.
- FRIVOLT, G., BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Improving Job Search by Network of Professions and Companies. In: SOFSEM 2006: Theory and practice of Computer science, 32nd International Conference on Current Trends on Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Měřín (2006) 111-119.
- FRIVOLT, G., POK, O.: Comparison of Graph Clustering Approaches. In: IIT.SRC 2006 – Student Research Conference, Slovak University of Technology, Supervisor: Bieliková, M. (2006) 168-175.
- FRIVOLT, G.: Cluster Navigator: Identification of Graph Clusters. In: Tools for Acguisition, Organisation and Presenting of Information and Knowledge, Research Project Workshop Bystrá dolina, Nízke Tatry (2006) 90-100.
- GRLICKÝ, V.: Prescott: A Framework for Presentation of Ontology-based Information. In: IIT.SRC 2006 – Student Research Conference, Slovak University of Technology, Supervisor: Návrat, P. (2006) 176-182.
- HALANOVÁ, Z., NÁVRAT, P., ROZINAJOVÁ, V.: A Tool for Search the Semantic Web for Supplies Matching Demands. In: CompSysTech´06, International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies and Workshop for PhD Students in Computing, Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria (2006).
- CHUDÁ, D., TROCHANOVÁ, H., HLAVÁČ, J.: Criteria of testing modules and test in e-learning. In: Workshop and competition eLearning proceedings, Hradec Králové, Gaudeamus (2006) 226-232. (in Slovak)
- CHUDÁ, D.: E-learning on University of Economics in Bratislava. In: University of Economics workshop, November 2006, Proceedings of abstracts, Bratislava, University of Economics (2006) 7-11 (in Slovak).
- JAKUBÍK, J.: Comparison of CASE Tools Based on Design Patterns Source Code Support. In: IIT.SRC 2006 – Student Research Conference, Slovak University of Technology, Supervisor: Návrat, P. (2006) 197-203.
- JAKUBÍK, J.: Possibilities of design patterns reuse. In: Software development 2006, 32nd Conference with International Participation, Ostrava (2006) 59-66 (in Slovak).
- KASAN, P., ČERŇANSKÝ, M.: Robot Controller Based on LSTM Network. In: Cognition and Artificial Life VI, Třešť, Silesian University Press (2006), 197-203 (in Slovak).
- KINDER, R., HUDEC, L., CHMEL, T., HULÉNYI, L., KURUC, M.: An Automatic Measurement System with PCIV Profiling for Characterization of Semiconductors. In: EDS´06, Electronic Devices and Systems, IMAPS CS International Conference 2006, Brno, (2006) 131-134.
- KISELKOV, M.: Type Systems in Programming Languages. In: IIT.SRC 2006 – Student Research Conference, Slovak University of Technology, Supervisor: Návrat, P. (2006) 204-211.
- KOŠÍK, M.: METAPOST and the FIIT Logo. In: IIT.SRC 2006 – Student Research Conference, Slovak University of Technology, Supervisor: Šafařík, J. (2006) 285-292.
- KOVÁČ, M., ŠPERKA, M.: E-learning and Distributed Collaborative Environment Based on Web3D. In: E-learning II and Knowledge Society with Section for PhD Students in Computing. SOCRATES-ERASMUS 114046-CP-1-2004-1-BG-ERASMUS-TN. Gent, Communication and Cognition (2006) 33-45.
- KOVÁČ, M.: Distributed Collaborative Environment Based on Web3D. In: 10th Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics. Častá Papiernička (2006) 51-56.
- KOVÁROVÁ, A.: Interactivity in Educational Applications Using Virtual Reality. In: IIT.SRC 2006 – Student Research Conference, Slovak University of Technology, Supervisor: Šperka, M. (2006) 293-300.
- KRAUSKO, J., BARLA, M., ANDREJKO, ANTON: Semantic search in job offer domain. In: ITAT 2006: Information Technologies-Applications and Theory, Workshop on Theory and Practice of Information Technologies, Bystrá dolina, Nízke Tatry (2006) 75-80 (in Slovak).
- KVASNIČKA, V.: Cognitive science, artificial intelligence, and bounded rationality. In: Cognition and Artificial Life VI, Třešť, Silesian University Press (2006), 233-251 (in Slovak).
- KVASNIČKA, V.: Cognitive science, artificial intelligence and theory of bounded rationality. In: Cognition 2006, Prague, Institut of Psychology CAS, (2006) 92-95 (in Slovak).
- LACKO, P.: Comparison of Symbolic and Subsymbolic approach in Artificial Intelligence Game Play. In: IIT.SRC 2006 – Student Research Conference, Slovak University of Technology, Supervisor: Kvasnička, V. (2006) 63-70.
- LACKO, P.: Reinforcement learning. In: Cognition and Artificial Life VI, Třešť, Silesian University Press (2006) 253-258 (in Slovak).
- LEKAVÝ, M., NÁVRAT, P.: Contingent parallel plans based on operators. In: ITAT 2006: Information Technologies-Applications and Theory, Workshop on Theory and Practice of Information Technologies, Bystrá dolina, Nízke Tatry (2006) 113-117.
- LEKAVÝ, M.: Multi-action Backchaining, an Algorithm for Creating Parallel Plans. In: IIT.SRC 2006 – Student Research Conference, Slovak University of Technology, Supervisor: Návrat, P. (2006) 212-219.
- LÍŠKA, M.: Formal Unified Process. In: IIT.SRC 2006 – Student Research Conference, Slovak University of Technology, Supervisor: Minárová, J. (2006) 220-226.
- MAJTÁS, Ľ.: Content Design of Design Patterns Catalogue. In: IIT.SRC 2006 – Student Research Conference, Slovak University of Technology, Supervisor: Filkorn, R. (2006) 227-234.
- MAJTÁS, Ľ.: Specifying the way of design patterns model storing. In: Objects 2006: Prague (2006) 137-152 (in Slovak).
- MALEČKA, J., ROZINAJOVÁ, V.: An Approach to Semantic Query Expansion. In: Tools for Acquisition, Organisation and Presenting of Information and Knowledge, Research Project Workshop Bystrá dolina, Nízke Tatry (2006) 148-153.
- MAKULA, M.: Dynamical Reservoir of Echo State Network. In: Cognition and Artificial Life VI, Třešť, Silesian University Press (2006) 273-281 (in Slovak).
- MÁTÉ, J.: Computing Environment for Active File System. In: IIT.SRC 2006 – Student Research Conference, Slovak University of Technology, Supervisor: Šafařík, J. (2006) 235-243.
- MOSTAFA, H., ČIČÁK, P.: Hands on Roaming Duration. Petri-Nets Modeling of a Wireless Mobile-IP Procedure in Cisco Platform. In: ICNS 2006 – International Conference on Networking and Services, Silicon Valley, California, IEEE Computer Society (2006) 6 p. CD-ROM. NAGY, P.: Considering Human Memory Aspects for Adaptation in AHA!. In: IIT.SRC 2006 – Student Research Conference, Slovak University of Technology, Supervisor: Bieliková, M. (2006) 129-136.
- NÁVRAT, P., BIELIKOVÁ, M., ROZINAJOVÁ, V.: Acquiring, Organising and Presenting Information and Knowledge from the Web. In: CompSysTech´06, International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies and Workshop for PhD Students in Computing, Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria (2006).
- NÁVRAT, P., KOVÁČIK, M.: Web Search Engine as a Bee Hive. In: 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, Hong Kong, Los Alamitos, IEEE Computer Society (2006) 694-701.
- NÁVRAT, P.: Bee Hive metaphor for Web Search. In: CompSysTech´06, International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies and Workshop for PhD Students in Computing, Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria (2006).
- NÁVRAT, P., BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Tools for knowledge acquisition, organisation and maintenance in the environment of heterogeneous information sources. In: Znalosti 2006, 5th Annual Conference, Hradec Králové (2006) 237-242 (in Slovak).
- NÁVRAT, P., BUDINSKÁ, I., BIELIKOVÁ, M., HLUCHÝ, L., VOJTÁŠ, P.: Methods and tools for knowledge acquiring, organising and presenting in the environment of World Wide Web. In: INFOSEM 2006, Piešťany (2006) 216-223 (in Slovak).
- NÁVRAT, P., BARTOŠ, P., BIELIKOVÁ, M., HLUCHÝ, L., VOJTÁŠ, P.: Acquiring, Organising and Presenting Information and Knowledge in an Environment of Heterogeneous Information Sources. In: Tools for Acquisition, Organisation and Presenting of Information and Knowledge, Research Project Workshop Bystrá dolina, Nízke Tatry (2006) 1-12.
- NECZLI, A., KRIVUŠ, V., MEŠŤANÍK, P., SUCHAL, J., VOJTEK, P., ŽIDEK, P.: RoboCup 3D Player Framework. In: IIT.SRC – Student Research Conference, Slovak University of Technology, Supervisor: Lekavý, M. (2006) 191-196.
- POSPÍCHAL, J., KVASNIČKA, V.: Decisions in social network. In: Cognition and Artificial Life VI, Třešť, Silesian University Press (2006) 315-327 (in Slovak).
- POSPÍCHAL, J., KVASNIČKA, V.: Local Minority Game without History. In: MENDEL 2006 – 12th International Conference on Soft Computing, Brno, Brno University of Technology (2006) 197-202.
- RADO, L.: Probabilistic Clustering of Documents. In: IIT.SRC 2006 – Student Research Conference, Slovak University of Technology, Supervisor: Kosková, G. (2006) 1-8.
- SLEZÁK, J.: Estimating Software Quality by Small World Graph Concepts. In: IIT.SRC 2006 – Student Research Conference, Slovak University of Technology, Supervisor: Filkorn, R. (2006) 186-190.
- ŠTÍPEK, M., GRLICKÝ, V.: Ontology-based Information Presentation. In: Tools for Acquisition, Organisation and Presenting of Information and Knowledge, Research Project Workshop Bystrá dolina, Nízke Tatry (2006) 193-200.
- SUDOLSKÝ, Š.: Team Strategy in Multi-Agent Environment. In: Cognition and Artificial Life VI, Třešť, Silesian University Press (2006) 347-353 (in Slovak).
- SÝKORA, P., JANŽO, A., SZÖCS, V., FRIVOLT, G.: Automatized Information Retrieval from heterogeneous Web sources. In: Tools for Acquisition, Organisation and Presenting of Information and Knowledge, Research Project Workshop Bystrá dolina, Nízke Tatry (2006) 31-39.
- SZOCS, V.: Algorithmic Chemistry in Genetic Programming. In: IIT.SRC 2006 – Student Research Conference, Slovak University of Technology, Supervisor: Pospíchal, J. (2006) 40-46.
- ŠTEFANOVIČ, J.: An Operating System Model with the Process Control at the Level of Programming Statements. In: ISIM 2006 – 9th International Conference on Information Systems Implementation and Modelling, Přerov, MARQ Ostrava, (2006) 39-46.
- TAKÁCS, M.: Fighting a Bank Spoofing Attack: An out of Page Security Channel. In: IIT.SRC 2006 – Student Research Conference, Slovak University of Technology, Supervisor: Vojtek, V. (2006) 318-324.
- TREBATICKÝ, P.: Prediction with Echo state Networks. In: IIT.SRC 2006 – Student Research Conference, Slovak University of Technology, Supervisor: Pospíchal, J. (2006), 79-86.
- TREBATICKÝ, P.: Text correction with Echo state neural networks. In: Cognition and Artificial Life VI, Třešť, Silesian University Press (2006) 393-399 (in Slovak).
- ŽIAK, J.: Programming Environment with Integrated Grid Support. In: IIT.SRC 2006 – Student Research Conference, Slovak University of Technology, Supervisor: Šperka, M. (2006) 251-258.
- ŽIAK, J.: Cognition in visualisation. In: Cognition and Artificial Life VI, Třešť, Silesian University Press (2006) 429-433 (in Slovak).
- TURY, M., BIELIKOVÁ, M.: An approach to detection ontology changes. In: ICWE´06, Workshop of the 6th International Conference on Web Engineering, Palo Alto, California, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Vol. 155, New York, ACM Press (2006).
- TVAROŽEK, M., ADAM, M., BARLA, M., SIVÁK, P., BIELIKOVÁ, M.: SPOT-IT: Going Beyond the Vision Loss Boundaries. In: Improving the quality of life in a changing world, International Symposium on Intelligent Environments, Cambridge, United Kingdom (2006) 67-76.
- VRANIĆ, V., MARKO, V.: Dealing with Unstable Domains in Product-Line Architecture Development. In: ISIM'06 – Information Systems Implementation and Modelling, 9th International Conference, Přerov, (2006) 57-64.
- TVAROŽEK, M., BARLA, M., BIELIKOVÁ, M., GRLICKÝ, V., ANDREJKO, A., FILKORN, R., BARTALOS, P.: Presentation and Personalization of Information in the Semantic Web. In: Tools for Acquisition, Organisation and Presenting of Information and Knowledge, Research Project Workshop Bystrá dolina, Nízke Tatry (2006) 201-207.
- TVAROŽEK, M.: Personalized Navigation in the Semantic Web. In: ACM CZ Student Research Competition, 4th Student Research Competition in Informatics and Information Technologies, Prague, Proceedings of Finalists Papers, Supervisor: Bieliková, M. (2006) 73-80.
- TVAROŽEK, M.: Personalized Navigation in the Semantic Web. In: Tools for Acguisition, Organisation and Presenting of Information and Knowledge, Research Project Workshop Bystrá dolina, Nízke Tatry, Slovakia, September 29-30, 2006, Proceedings, Bratislava, STU, (2006), pp. 182-192.
- VNUK, M.: Decompression of Run -Time Compressed PE Files. In: IIT.SRC 2006 – Student Research Conference, Slovak University of Technology, Supervisor: Návrat, P. (2006) 243-250.
- VOJTEK, P., GRLICKÝ, V.: Identification of Natural Language using N-grams and Markov Processes. In: Tools for Acquisition, Organisation and Presenting of Information and Knowledge, Research Project Workshop Bystrá dolina, Nízke Tatry (2006) 154-161.
- VOJTEK, P.: Natural Language Identification in the World Wide web. In: IIT.SRC 2006 – Student Research Conference, Slovak University of Technology, Supervisor: Grlický, V. (2006) 153-159.
- VRANIĆ, V., MARKO, V.: Developing a Product-Line Based Architecture in a Domain Under Research. In: Tools for Acquisition, Organisation and Presenting of Information and Knowledge, Research Project Workshop Bystrá dolina, Nízke Tatry (2006) 211-222.
Books/Chapters of Books
- BIELIKOVÁ, M., NÁVRAT, P., ANDREJKO, A., EZZEDINE, A. B., FRIVOLT, G., JAKUBÍK, J., KISELKOV, M., MAJTÁS, Ľ., MÁTÉ, J., POLICKÝ, I., SOLČÁNY, V., ŠECHNÝ, M., VNUK, M.: Essays on selected topics of software engineering. Volume 1, Slovak University of Technology (2006) 226 p. (in Slovak).
- BIELIKOVÁ, M., NÁVRAT, P., ANDREJKO, A., BLŠŤÁK, P., FRIVOLT, G., GRLICKÝ, V., JAKUBÍK, J., KOŠÍK, M., KURUC, J., LEKAVÝ, M., MARKO, V., NAVARČÍK, M.: Essays on selected topics of software engineering, Volume 1, Slovak University of Technology (2006) 232 p. (in Slovak).
- BIELIKOVÁ, M., NÁVRAT, P., ANDREJKO, A., EZZEDINE, A. B., FRIVOLT, G., JAKUBÍK, J., KISELKOV, M., MAJTÁS, Ľ., MÁTÉ, J., POLICKÝ, I., SOLČÁNY, V., ŠECHNÝ, M., VNUK, M.: Essays on selected topics of software engineering, Volume 2, Slovak University of Technology (2006) 226 p. (in Slovak).
- BIELIKOVÁ, M. (Ed.): IIT.SRC 2006 – Student Research Conference 2006. Proceedings in Informatics and Information Technologies, Slovak University of Technology (2006) 328 p.
- BIELIKOVÁ, M., MANNOVÁ, B., ŠALOUN, P. (Eds.): TPEV 2006 – Technologies for e-learning. Proceedings. Prague, Czech Technical University in Prague (2006) 74 p.
- KVASNIČKA, V., POSPÍCHAL, J.: Mathematical logic. Slovak University of Technology (2006) 399 p. (in Slovak).
- KELEMEN, J., KVASNIČKA, V. (Eds) Cognition and Artificial Life VI, Třešť, Silesian University Press (2006) 454 p. (in Slovak).
- NÁVRAT, P., BIELIKOVÁ, M., BEŇUŠKOVÁ, Ľ., KAPUSTÍK, I., UNGER, M.: Artificial Intelligence. Slovak University of Technology, Edition of Textbooks (2006) 393 p. (in Slovak).
- NÁVRAT, P., BARTOŠ, P., BIELIKOVÁ, M., HLUCHÝ, L., VOJTÁŠ, P. (Eds.): Tools for Acquisition, Organisation and Presenting of Information and Knowledge. Research Project Workshop, Bystrá dolina, Nízke Tatry, Proceedings (2006) 242 p.
- MANNOVÁ, B., ŠALOUN, P., BIELIKOVÁ, M. (Eds.): ACM CZ Student Research Competition. 4th Student Research Competition in Informatics and Information Technologies Prague, Proceedings of Finalists Papers (2006).
- WIEDERMANN, J., POKORNÝ, J., BIELIKOVÁ, M., ŠTULLER, J. (Eds.): SOFSEM 2006 – Theory and Practice of Computer Science. 32nd International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Meřín, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer (2006) 576 p.
- WIEDERMANN, J., TEL, G., POKORNÝ, J., BIELIKOVÁ, M., ŠTULLER, J. (Eds.): SOFSEM 2006 – Theory and practice of Computer Science. 32nd International Conference on Current Trends on Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Měřín, Proceedings Vol. II, Prague (2006).
Reviews Published in Journals
- BIELIKOVÁ, M. (rev.): Antoniou, G., Harmelen van, F.: A semantic Web primer, Cambridge, MIT Press, 2004. In: ACM Computing Reviews, New York, Association for Computing Machinery, Vol. 47, No. 1 (2006) 22-23.
- BIELIKOVÁ, M. (rev.): Alexis Leon. Software configuration management handbook (2nd ed.). Artech House, Inc., Norwood, MA, 2004. In: ACM Computing Reviews. New York, Association for Computing Machinery, Vol. 47, No. 5 (2006) 265.
- BIELIKOVÁ, M. (rev.): Suh, W.: Web engineering: principles and techniques, Hershey, Idea Group Publishing, 2005. In: ACM Computing Reviews, New York, Association for Computing Machinery, Vol. 47, No. 9 (2006) 536-537.
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