- BARTALOS, P. - BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Automatic Dynamic Web Service Composition: A Survey and Problem Formalization. In: Computing and Informatics. Vol. 30, No. 4 (2011), ISSN 1335-9150, pp. 793-827.
- BIELIKOVÁ, M. - NÁVRAT, P.: Preface to Special Section on Student Research in Informatics and Information Technologies. In: Information Sciences and Technologies Bulletin of the ACM Slovakia. Vol. 3, No. 2 (2011), ISSN 1338-1237, pp 26-27.
- HOLUB, M. - BIELIKOVÁ, M.: An Inquiry into the Utilization of Behavior of Users in Personalized Web. In: Journal of Universal Computer Science. Vol. 17, No. 13 (2011), ISSN 0948-6968, pp. 1830-1853.
- HOLUB, M.: Information Integration in News Articles from Various Sources. In: Information Sciences and Technologies Bulletin of the ACM Slovakia. Vol. 3, No. 2 (2011), ISSN 1338-1237, pp. 42-46.
- JAČALA, M.: An Approach to Named Entity Disambiguation Based on Explicit Semantics. In: Information Sciences and Technologies Bulletin of the ACM Slovakia. Vol. 3, No. 2 (2011), ISSN 1338-1237, pp. 55-58.
- KAJSA, P. - MAJTÁS, Ľ. - NÁVRAT, P.: Design Pattern Instantiation Directed by Concretization and Specialization. In: Computer Science and Information Systems. Vol. 8, No. 1 (2011), ISSN 1820-0214, pp. 41-72.
- KRAMÁR, T.: Session Segmentation Based on Document Metadata. In: Information Sciences and Technologies Bulletin of the ACM Slovakia. Vol. 3, No. 2 (2011), ISSN 1338-1237, pp. 64-66.
- KUČEČKA, T.: Plagiarism Detection in Obfuscated Documents Using an N-gram Technique. In: Information Sciences and Technologies Bulletin of the ACM Slovakia. Vol. 3, No. 2 (2011), ISSN 1338-1237, pp. 67-71.
- KURIC, E.: Automatic Photo Annotation Based on Visual Content Analysis. In: Information Sciences and Technologies Bulletin of the ACM Slovakia. Vol. 3, No. 2 (2011), ISSN 1338-1237, pp. 72-75.
- LABAJ, M.: Web-Based Learning Support Based on Implicit Feedback. In: Information Sciences and Technologies Bulletin of the ACM Slovakia. Vol. 3, No. 2 (2011), ISSN 1338-1237, pp. 76-78.
- LACKO, P. - STEINMÜLLER, B. - BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Distributed Computing or New Computer Cluster at FIIT STU. In: Spektrum. Vol. 17, No. 7 (2011), ISSN 1336-2593, pp. 14-15. (in Slovak)
- LÍŠKA, M. - NÁVRAT, P.: SPEM Ontology as the Semantic Notation for Method and Process Definition in the Context of SWEBOK. In: Computer Science and Information Systems. Vol. 8, No. 2 (2011), ISSN 1820-0214, pp. 299-315.
- MEDERLY, P. A Method for Creating Messaging-Based Integration Solutions. In: Information Sciences and Technologies Bulletin of the ACM Slovakia. Vol. 3, No. 2 (2011), ISSN 1338-1237, pp. 91-95.
- RÁSTOČNÝ, K.: Navigation Based on Adaptive Views. In: Information Sciences and Technologies Bulletin of the ACM Slovakia. Vol. 3, No. 2 (2011), ISSN 1338-1237, pp. 104-108.
- ŠEVCECH, J.: Mapping Words between Slovak Text and its Translation to English. In: Information Sciences and Technologies Bulletin of the ACM Slovakia. Vol. 3, No. 2 (2011), ISSN 1338-1237, pp. 113-115.
- ŠIMKO, J.: Augmenting Human Computed Lightweight Semantics. In: Information Sciences and Technologies Bulletin of the ACM Slovakia. Vol. 3, No. 2 (2011), ISSN 1338-1237, pp. 116-118.
- ŠIMKO, M.: Automated Domain Model Creation for Adaptive Social Educational Environments. In: Information Sciences and Technologies Bulletin of the ACM Slovakia. Vol. 3, No. 2 (2011), ISSN 1338-1237, pp. 119-121.
- ŠIMKO, J. - TVAROŽEK, M. - BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Semantics Discovery via Human Computation Games. In: International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems. Vol. 7, No. 3 (2011), ISSN 1552-6283, pp. 23-45.
- TVAROŽEK, M.: Exploratory Search in the Adaptive Social Semantic Web. In: Information Sciences and Technologies Bulletin of the ACM Slovakia. Vol. 3, No. 1 (2011), ISSN 1338-1237, pp. 42-51.
- BAČA, P. - VRANIĆ, V.: Replacing Object-Oriented Design Patterns with Intrinsic Aspect-Oriented Design Patterns. In: ECBS-EERC 2011. Proceedings of 2nd Eastern European Regional Conference on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems, Bratislava, Slovakia, Los Alamitos IEEE Computer Society, 2011, pp. 19-25.
- BÁLIK, J. - VRANIĆ, V.: Sustaining Composability of Aspect-Oriented Design Patterns in Their Symmetric Implementation. In: ESCOT 2011. 2nd Workshop on Empirical Evaluation of Software Composition Techniques, Lancaster, UK, 2011. (online)
- BARTALOS, P. - BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Composition and Undesired Web Service Execution Effects. In: SYNASC 2010. Proceedings of 12th international symposium on symbolic and numeric algorithms for scientific computing, Timisoara, Romania, Los Alamitos IEEE Computer Society, 2011, pp. 549-552.
- BENČIČ, A. - ŠAJGALÍK, M. - BARLA, M. - BIELIKOVÁ, M.: An Approach to Intelligent Interactive Social Network Geo-Mapping. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 6804 Foundations of Intelligent Systems, 19th International Symposium, ISMIS 2011, Warsaw, Poland, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, ISSN 0302-9743, pp. 612-621.
- BIELIKOVÁ, M. - BARLA, M. - ŠIMKO, M.: Lightweight Semantics for the "Wild Web". In: WWW/Internet 2011. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference, IADIS Press, 2011, pp. xxv-xxxii. (Invited Lecture)
- BIELIKOVÁ, M. - KURIC, E.: Automatic Image Annotation Using Global and Local Features. In: SMAP 2011. Proceedings of 6th International Workshop on Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization, Vigo, Pontevedra, Spain, Los Alamitos IEEE Computer Society, 2011, pp. 33-38.
- CHUDÁ, D. - CHLPEK, J. - KUMOR, A.: The Impact of Text Pre-Processing to Determine the Similarity in Students Assignments. In: CompSysTech´11. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, Vienna, Austria, New York ACM Press, 2011, pp. 417-422.
- CHUDÁ, D. – KRAJNÍK, P.: User Model for Identification by Keystroke Dynamics. In: ELearning´11. Proceedings of the International Conference on E-Learning and the Knowledge Society, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania, ASE Publishing House, 2011, pp. 41-46.
- CHUDÁ, D. - KUČEČKA, T.: PlaDes - Effective Way to Plagiarism Detection of Student Assignments Written in Natural Language. In: E-Learning´11. Proceedings of the International Conference on E-Learning and the Knowledge Society, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania, ASE Publishing House, 2011, pp. 47-52.
- CHUDÁ, D. - UHLÍK, M.: The Plagiarism Detection by Compression Method. In: CompSysTech´11. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies Vienna, Austria, New York ACM Press, 2011, pp. 429-434.
- HARSÁNYI, Z. - REPTA, M. - ROZINAJOVÁ, V.: Innovative Mashup Development: Utilizing Visual Information About Application Programming Interfaces. In: ADBIS 2011. Research Communications, Proceedings II of the 15th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, Vienna, Österreichische Computer Gesselschaft, 2011, pp. 75-84.
- HRUŠKOVÁ, N. - HVOLKA, J.: Representing, Comparing and Evaluating of Music Files. In: E-Learning´11. Proceedings of the International Conference on E-Learning and the Knowledge Society, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania, ASE Publishing House, 2011, pp. 213-218.
- KANNAN, R. - BIELIKOVÁ, M. - BALASUNDARAM, S. R. - ANDRES, F.: Understanding Honest Feedbacks and Opinions in Academic Environments. In: Compute 2011. Proceedings of the 4th Bangalore Annual Compute Conference, Bangalore, India, New York ACM, 2011, pp. 3364-3367.
- KOMPAN, M. - BIELIKOVÁ, M.: News Article Classification Based on a Vector Representation Including Words' Collocations. In: Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing. Vol. 101, 3rd International Conference on Software, Services and Semantic Technologies S3T, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, ISSN 1867-5662, pp. 1-8.
- KOŠÍK, M. - ŠAFAŘÍK, J.: A Contribution to Techniques for Building Dependable Software Systems. In: ECBS-EERC 2011. Proceedings of 2nd Eastern European Regional Conference on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems, Bratislava, Slovakia, Los Alamitos IEEE Computer Society, 2011, pp. 3-12.
- KRAMÁR, T.: Towards Contextual Search: Social Networks, Short Contexts and Multiple Personas. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 6787 User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization, 19th International Conference, UMAP 2011 Girona, Spain, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, ISSN 0302-9743, pp. 434-437.
- KRAMÁR, T. - BARLA, M. - BIELIKOVÁ, M.: PeWeProxy: A Platform for Ubiquitous Personalization of the “Wild“ Web. In: UMAP 2011. Adjunct Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization. Poster and Demo Track, Girona, Spain, 2011, pp. 7-9.
- KUČEČKA, T.: Obfuscating Plagiarism Detection—Vulnerabilities and Solutions. In: CompSysTech´11. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies Vienna, Austria, New York ACM Press, 2011, pp. 423-428.
- LANG, J. - KRAJČOVIČ, V.: Models in Curriculum Design. In: ICL 2011. 14th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning and 11th International Conference Virtual University, Piešťany, Slovakia, IEEE, 2011, pp. 434-437.
- LÍŠKA, P. - POLÁŠEK, I.: Design Smell Detection with Similarity Scoring and Fingerprinting: Preliminary Study. In: ECBS-EERC 2011. Proceedings of 2nd Eastern European Regional Conference on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems, Bratislava, Slovakia, Los Alamitos IEEE Computer Society, 2011, pp. 163-164.
- LUČANSKÝ, M. - ŠIMKO, M. - BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Enhancing Automatic Term Recognition Algorithms with HTML Tags Processing. In: CompSysTech´11. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies Vienna, Austria, New York ACM Press, 2011, pp. 173-178.
- MÁTÉ, J. - ŠAFAŘÍK, J.: Transformation of Relational Databases to Transaction-Time Temporal Databases. In: ECBS-EERC 2011. Proceedings of 2nd Eastern European Regional Conference on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems, Bratislava, Slovakia, Los Alamitos IEEE Computer Society, 2011, pp. 27-33.
- MENKYNA, R. - VRANIĆ, V.: Developing Applications with Aspect-Oriented Change Realization. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 4980 Software Engineering Techniques, 3rd IFIP TC 2 Central and East European Conference CEE-SET 2008 Brno, Czech Republic, October 13-15, 2008 Revised Selected Papers, Warsaw, Poland, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, ISSN 0302-9743, pp. 192-206.
- MÓRO, R. - SRBA, I. - UNČÍK, M. - BIELIKOVÁ, M. - ŠIMKO, M.: Towards Collaborative Metadata Enrichment for Adaptive Web-Based Learning. In: IAT 2011. Proceedings of The 2011 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology Workshops, Lyon, France, Los Alamitos IEEE Computer Society, 2011, pp. 106-109.
- RÁSTOČNÝ, K. - TVAROŽEK, M. - BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Supporting Search Result Browsing and Exploration via Cluster-based Views and Zoom-based navigation. In: IAT 2011. Proceedings of The 2011 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology Workshops, Lyon, France, Los Alamitos IEEE Computer Society, 2011, pp. 297-300.
- ŠEVCECH, J. - BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Automatic Annotation of Non English Web Content. In: IAT 2011. Proceedings of The 2011 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology Workshops, Lyon, France, Los Alamitos IEEE Computer Society, 2011, pp. 281-283.
- ŠIMKO, J. - BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Games with a Purpose: User Generated Valid Metadata for Personal Archives. In: SMAP 2011. Proceedings of 6th International Workshop on Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization, Vigo, Pontevedra, Spain, Los Alamitos IEEE Computer Society, 2011, pp. 45-50.
- ŠIMKO, J. - TVAROŽEK, M. - BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Little Search Game: Term Network Acquisition via a Human Computation Game. In: HT 2011. Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, New York ACM, 2011, pp. 57-61.
- ŠIMKO, M. - BARLA, M. - MIHÁL, V. - UNČÍK, M. - BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Supporting Collaborative Web-Based Education via Annotations. In: ED-MEDIA 2011. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications Proceedings, Lisbon, Portugal, Chesapeake AACE, 2011, pp. 2576-2585.
- TVAROŽEK, J. - BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Wizard-of-Oz-Driven Bootstrapping of a Socially Intelligent Tutoring Strategy. In: ED-MEDIA 2011. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications Proceedings, Lisbon, Portugal, Chesapeake AACE, 2011, pp. 3635-3644.
- ZELENÍK, D. - BIELIKOVÁ, M.: News Recommending Based on Text Similarity and User Behaviour. In: WEBIST’11. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, SciTePress, 2011, pp. 302-307.
- BEDNÁR, M. - LANG, J.: Curriculum Metamodel as a Motivational Specificity. In: Teacher’s Thinking and Reasoning. Proceedings of the International Cycle of Conferences: Ways of Democracy in Education XIII, Velké Bílovice, Slovakia, 2011, pp. 169-183. (in Slovak)
- BELIANSKY, M. - LANG, J.: Electronic interpretation of the curriculum as a motivational specificity. In: Teacher’s Thinking and Reasoning. Proceedings of the international cycle of conferences: Ways of Democracy in Education XIII., Velké Bílovice, Slovakia, 2011, pp. 184-195. (in Slovak)
- BIELIKOVÁ, M. - NÁVRAT, P. - BARLA, M. - TVAROŽEK, J. - TVAROŽEK, M.: Collaborative Programming: Way to Better Software Quality. In: WIKT 2011. Proceedings of 6th Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge Oriented Technologies, Herľany, Slovakia, Technical University of Košice, 2011, pp. 89-94. (in Slovak)
- BIELIKOVÁ, M. - BARLA, M. - HOLUB, M. - KRAMÁR, T. - SUCHAL, J.: Social Networks not only for Fun. In: SOFTECON 2011. Conference on Visions and Trends in Modern Information Technologies, Bratislava, Slovakia, SOFTEC, 2011, 28 p. Invited Lecture (in Slovak)
- HOLUB, M. - BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Grouping of News Articles According to Events. In: DATAKON 2011. Proceedings of the Annual Database Conference, Mikulov, Czech Republic, Brno University of Technology, 2011, pp. 103-112. (in Slovak)
- HOLUB, M.: Discovering Relationships between Entities on Social Adaptive Web. In: WIKT 2011. Proceedings of 6th Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge Oriented Technologies, Herľany, Slovakia, Technical University of Košice, 2011, pp. 129-134. (in Slovak)
- HRUŠKOVÁ, N.: Polyphonic Music Represented in Mathematical Vectors. In: WIKT 2011. Proceedings of 6th Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge Oriented Technologies, Herľany, Slovakia, Technical University of Košice, 2011, pp. 173-178.
- KAPUSTÍK, I. - LACKO, P.: Models of Crowd Behaviour. In: WIKT 2011. Proceedings of 6th Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge Oriented Technologies, Herľany, Slovakia, Technical University of Košice, 2011, pp. 181-184. (in Slovak)
- KOMPAN, M. - ZELENÍK, D. - BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Methods for Personalized Recommendation of Newspaper Articles. In: Znalosti 2011.Proceedings of 10th Annual Conference, Stará Lesná, Vysoké Tatry, Slovakia, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2011, pp. 100-111. (in Slovak)
- KOMPAN, M.: Personalized Recommendation Including Social Aspects. In: WIKT 2011. Proceedings of 6th Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge Oriented Technologies, Herľany, Slovakia, Technical University of Košice, 2011, pp. 155-160. (in Slovak)
- KRAMÁR, T.: Short-Term Contexts in Personalized Search. In: WIKT 2011. Proceedings of 6th Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge Oriented Technologies, Herľany, Slovakia, Technical University of Košice, 2011, pp. 161-165. (in Slovak)
- KRAMÁR, T. - BARLA, M. - BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Open-Web User Modeling. In: Znalosti 2011. Proceedings of 10th Annual Conference, Stará Lesná, Vysoké Tatry, Slovakia, Technical University of Ostrava, 2011, pp. 112-123. (in Slovak)
- KUČEČKA, T.: Text Similarity Detection on Different Levels. In: WIKT 2011. Proceedings of 6th Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge Oriented Technologies, Herľany, Slovakia, Technical University of Košice, 2011, pp. 143-148.
- LABAJ, M. - BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Identification of Interesting Content Fragments Based on Implicit feedback. In: WIKT 2011. Proceedings of 6th Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge Oriented Technologies, Herľany, Slovakia, Technical University of Košice, 2011, pp. 13-18. (in Slovak)
- LANG, J. - KRAJČOVIČ, V.: Curriculum as an Event Hierarchy Model. In: ICETA 2011. Proceedings of 9th IEEE International Conference on Emerging eLearning Technologies and Applications, Stará Lesná, The High Tatras, Slovakia, IEEE, 2011, pp. 127-130.
- LUČANSKÝ, M. - ŠIMKO, M.: Does HTML Tags Improve Results of Automatic Term Recognition Algorithms? In: Znalosti 2011. Proceedings of 10th Annual Conference, Stará Lesná, Vysoké Tatry, Slovakia, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2011, pp. 287-290. (in Slovak)
- MEDERLY, P. - NÁVRAT, P.: Pipes and Filters or Process Manager: Which Integration Architecture is “Better”? In: DATAKON 2011. Proceedings of the Annual Database Conference, Mikulov, Czech Republic, Brno University of Technology, 2011, pp. 133-142. (in Slovak)
- MIHÁL, V. - BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Domain Model Relations Discovering in Educational Texts Based on User Created Annotations. In: ICL 2011. Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning and 11th International Conference Virtual University, Piešťany, Slovakia, IEEE, 2011, pp 542-547.
- PAULOVIČ, A. - LACKO, P. - NÁVRAT, P.: Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation Tools. In: WIKT 2011. Proceedings of 6th Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge oriented Technologies, Herľany, Slovakia, Technical University of Košice, 2011, pp. 97-102.
- POLÁŠEK, I. - RUTTKAY-NEDECKÝ, I. - RUTTKAY-NEDECKÝ, P. - TÓTH, T. - ČERNÍK, A.: Acquisition and Conveying of Information and Knowledge in the Project of Gratex International, a. s. and FIIT STU. In: 6th IWKM. Proceedings of 6th International Workshop on Knowledge Management, Trenčín, Slovakia, 2011.
- RÁSTOČNÝ, K. - BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Search Engine Results Visualization. In: WIKT 2011. Proceedings of 6th Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge Oriented Technologies, Herľany, Slovakia, Technical University of Košice, 2011, pp. 19-25. (in Slovak)
- SABO, Š.: Following a Story on the Web Using a Multi-Agent System Inspired by the Social Behavior of Bees. In: WIKT 2011. Proceedings of 6th Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge Oriented Technologies, Herľany, Slovakia, Technical University of Košice, 2011, pp. 167-171. (in Slovak)
- ŠIMKO, J.: Perspectives of Games with a Purpose for Creative Metadata. In: WIKT 2011. Proceedings of 6th Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge Oriented Technologies, Herľany, Slovakia, Technical University of Košice, 2011, pp. 149-154. (in Slovak)
- ŠIMKO, J. - TVAROŽEK, M. - BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Creating the Games with a Purpose as Tools for the Web Knowledge Acquisition: Little Google Game. In: Znalosti 2011. Proceedings of 10th Annual Conference, Stará Lesná, Vysoké Tatry, Slovakia, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2011, pp.194-205. (in Slovak)
- ŠIMKO, M. - BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Automatic Discovery of Relationships for Learning Content Semantic Description. In: WIKT 2011. Proceedings of 6th Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge Oriented Technologies, Herľany, Slovakia, Technical University of Košice, 2011, pp. 33-38. (in Slovak)
- ZELENÍK, D.: Context Impact on User Behaviour on Web and in Real Life. In: WIKT 2011. Proceedings of 6th Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge Oriented Technologies, Herľany, Slovakia, Technical University of Košice, 2011, pp. 135-138. (in Slovak)
- ZELENÍK, D. - BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Adaptive Reminder: Impact of Context on User Behaviour. In: DATAKON 2011. Proceedings of the Annual Database Conference, Mikulov, Czech Republic, Brno University of Technology, 2011, pp. 83-92. (in Slovak)
Books / Chapters of books
- BIELIKOVÁ, M. - HONSCH, M. - KOMPAN, M. - ŠIMKO, J. - ZELENÍK, D.: Pervasive Computing for Efficient Energy. In: Handbook of Research on Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. Trends and Perspectives, Hershey Information Science Reference, 2011, ISBN 9781616928575, pp. 584-601
- LACKO, P. - KVASNIČKA, V.: Neural Networks Used for Board Game Play. In:Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science III. Bratislava STU, 2011, ISBN 978-80-227- 3542-1, pp. 117-162.
Published Reviews
- BIELIKOVÁ, M. - NÁVRAT, P. - BARLA, M. - TVAROŽEK, J. - TVAROŽEK, M.: Personalized Web Science, Technologies and Engineering. Proceedings of 9th Spring 2011 Pe-We Workshop, Viničné, Galbov Mlyn, Slovakia, Bratislava STU, 2011, ISBN978-80-227-3485-1, 93 p.
- BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Student Research Conference 2011, Vol. 1. Proceedings of 7th Student Research Conference in Informatics and Information Technologies, Bratislava, Slovakia, STU Press, 2011, ISBN 978-80-227-3484-4, 276 p.
- BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Student Research Conference 2011, Vol. 2. Proceedings of 7th Student Research Conference in Informatics and Information Technologies, Bratislava, Slovakia, STU Press, 2011, ISBN 978-80-227-3488-2, pp. 279-540.
- EDER, J. - BIELIKOVÁ, M. - TJOA, A. M.: Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 6909 Advances in Databases and Information Systems. Proceedings of 15th International Conference, ADBIS 2011, Vienna, Austria, September 20-23, 2011 Springer- Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, ISBN 978-3-642-23736-2, 462 p.
- EDER, J. - BIELIKOVÁ, M. - TJOA, A. M.: ADBIS 2011. Research Communications, Proceedings II of the 15th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, Vienna, Österreichische Computer Gesselschaft, 2011, ISBN 978-3-85403-285-4, 285 p.
- KVASNIČKA, V. - POSPÍCHAL, J. - NÁVRAT, P. - LACKO, P. - TREBATICKÝ, P.: Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science III. Bratislava, Slovakia, STU Press, 2011, ISBN 978-80-227-3542-1, 385 p.
- POPOVIĆ, M. - VRANIĆ, V.: ECBS-EERC 2011. Proceedings of 2nd Eastern European Regional Conference on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems, Bratislava, Slovakia, Los Alamitos IEEE Computer Society, 2011, ISBN 978-0-7695-4418-2. CD-ROM.