- BIELIKOVÁ, M., NÁVRAT, P.: Experiences with Designing a Team Project Module for Teaching Teamwork to Students. In: CIT, Journal of Computing and Information Technology, – Vol. 13, No.1, (2005), pp. 1–10.
- FAZEKAS, Z.: Facilitating configurability by separation of concerns in the source code. In: CIT, Journal of Computing and Information Technology, – Vol. 13, No.3, (2005), P. Návrat (supervisor), pp. 195–210.
- FILKORN, R., NÁVRAT, P.: An Approach for Integrating Analysis Patterns and Feature Diagrams into Model Driven Architecture. In: LNCS 2932 – SOFSEM 2005, 31st Conf. on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science. Springer-Verlag (2005), – pp. 372–375.
- FRIŠTACKÝ, N., GRAMATOVÁ, E.: Design and Test of Digital Systems (Preface). In: Computing and Informatics. – Vol. 24, No. 5-6, (2005), pp. 409- 413
- FRIVOLT, G., BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Topology Generation for Web Communities Modeling. In: LNCS 2932 – SOFSEM 2005, 31st Conf. on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science. Springer-Verlag (2005), – pp. 167–177.
- GAVOILLE, C., NEHÉZ, M.: Interval routing in reliability networks. In: Theoretical Computer Science, – Vol. 333, (2005), pp. 415–432.
- KINDER, R., HUDEC, L. – BLAŽÍČEK, M.: An Automatic Measurement System with Hall Profiling and a Four Point Probe for Characterization of Semiconductors. In: Journal of Electrical Engineering. - Vol. 56, No. 9-10, (2005), pp. 270-273.
- KOLESÁR, M.: Shortly from the history of the FEI Alumni IV (2003). In: EE – časopis pre elektrotechniku a energetiku. (Journal for Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering) – Vol. 11, No. 2 (2005), p. 39. (in Slovak)
- KOLESÁR, M.: Shortly from the history of the FEI Alumni V (2004). In: EE – časopis pre elektrotechniku a energetiku. (Journal for Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering) – Vol. 11, No. 4 (2005), p. 39. (in Slovak)
- NÁVRAT, P., FILKORN, R.: A note on the Role of Abstraction and Generality in Software Development. In: Journal of Computer Science, – Vol.1, No.1, (2005), pp. 98–102.
- PARÍZKOVÁ, J., MLYNÁR, J.: Aspect Approach to Visualization of Program. In: Systémová integrace (Systeme integration), 12 (2), (2005) 51-57. (in Slovak).
- PARÍZKOVÁ, J.: Comparing of Copy Operation for two Programming Languages. In: Informatika v škole (Informatics in School), 30 (7), (2005) (in Slovak).
- PARÍZKOVÁ, J.: Comparison of Quickness of Pixel Display for two Programming Languages In: Informatika v skole (Informatics in School), 30 (14), (2005) (in Slovak).
- PARÍZKOVÁ, J.: Programming Language Effectivity for Number Printing. In: Infornatika v škole (Informatics in School), 30 (26), (2005) (in Slovak).
- TREBATICKÝ, P.: Recurrent neural network training with the Kalman filter-based techniques. In: Neural Network World, 15 (5), (2005) 471-488.
- VRANIĆ, V.: Multi-paradigm design with feature modeling. In: ComSIS (Computer Science and Information Systems), – Vol. 2, No. 1, (2005), pp. 79–102.
- ZOLOTOVÁ, I., FLOCHOVÁ, J., OCELÍKOVÁ, E.: Database technology and real time industrial transaction techniques in control. In: Journal of Cybernetics Informatics. – No. 5 (2005).
- ANDREJKO, A.: Improving Adaptive Hypermedia by Adding Semantics. In: IIT.SRC 2005 – Informatics and Information Technology Student Research Conference. Bratislava, April 2005, Bieliková, M. (supervisor), – pp. 235–241.
- ANGELOVIČ, P.: Time Series Prediction Using RSOM and Local Models. In: IIT.SRC 2005 – Informatics and Information Technology Student Research Conference. Bratislava, April 2005, Slovak University of Technology, pp. 27-34.
- ANGELOVIČ, P.: RSOM and Local Model in Prediction Tasks. In: Cognition and Artificial Life V. vol. 1. J. Kelemen, V. Kvasnička, J. Pospíchal (Eds.). Smolenice, May 2005, Opava, Silesian University Press, pp. 35-45 (in Slovak)
- BABINEC, Š., POSPÍCHAL, J.: Optimisation of Echo State Neural Networks by Hebbian Learning and Genetic Algorithm. In: Cognition and Artificial Life V. vol. 1. J. Kelemen, V. Kvasnička, J. Pospíchal (Eds.). Smolenice, May 2005, Opava, Silesian University Press, pp. 47-61 (in Slovak).
- BABINEC, Š., POSPÍCHAL, J.: Two approaches to optimize echo state neural networks. In: MENDEL 2005, 11th International Conference on Soft Computing. R. Matoušek, P. Ošmera, P. (Eds.). Brno, June 2005, Brno University of Technology, pp. 39-44.
- BABJAK, J., KVASNIČKA, V.: Rediscovery of Hillclimbing with Learning. In: Cognition and Artificial Life V. vol. 1. J. Kelemen, V. Kvasnička, J. Pospíchal (Eds.). Smolenice, 30.5.-2.6.2005, Opava, Silesian University Press, pp. 63-68. (in Slovak)
- BAGALA, A., BOTT, R.: Security Mechanism in Grid Environments. In: IIT.SRC 2005 – Informatics and Information Technology Student Research Conference. Bratislava, April 2005, Slovak University of Technology, - pp. 96-102.
- BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Web-Based Conf. Review System as a Mean for E-Learning. In: Technologies for E-Learning. B. Mannová, P. Šaloun, M. Bieliková (Eds.), Prague, Czech Republic, June 2005, Czech Technical University, – pp. 59–64. (in Slovak)
- BIELIKOVÁ, M., KURUC, J.: Sharing User Models for Adaptive Hypermedia Applications. In: ISDA 2005, 5th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications. H. Kwasnicka, M. Paprzycki M. (Eds.), IEEE Computer Society Press, Loa Alamitos, Wroclaw, September 2005. – pp. 506–511.
- BIELIKOVÁ, M., KURUC, J., ANDREJKO, A.: Learning Programming with Adaptive Web-Based Hypermedia System AHA. In: ICETA 2005, 4th International Conference on Emerging E-Learning Technologies and Applications, F. Jakab, V. Fedák et al. (Eds), Košice, September 2005, Elfa. – pp. 251–256.
- BIELIKOVÁ, M., GRLICKÝ, V., KURUC, J.: Framework for Information Presentation Represented by Ontology. In: ITAT 2005, Information Technologies–Applications and Theory. P. Vojtáš (Ed.), Račková dolina, Slovakia, September 2005. – pp. 325–334. (in Slovak)
- BIELIKOVÁ, M., NÁVRAT, P.: Developing Web-Based Tools to Support and Enhance Education. In: Conference E-Learning and the Knowledge Society. Berlin, September 2005. Communication & Cognition, Ghent (Belgium). Paper presented at conference, Proceedings will be published in 2006.
- BIGOŠ, M.: Accessing Text Databases Available on Web. In: ISD 2005, 14th International Conference on Information Systems Development. A.G.Nilsson et al. (Eds.), Karlstad, Sweden, August 2005. P. Návrat (supervisor), – pp.195–206
- BLŠTÁK, P., BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Specification of Web Applications Design in CASE Using UML and its Mapping to an Implementation Environment. In: ISIM 2005, 8th International Conference on Information Systems Implementation and Modelling. J. Zendulka (Ed.), Hradec na Moravici, Czech Republic, April 2005. – pp. 135–142.
- ČIČÁK, P., MOSTAFA, H.: Handling the Connection Interrruption in Mobile Internet. In: Communication and Information Technologies, 3rd Scientific Conference with International Participation, Tatranské Zruby, November 2005, - pp. 201 - 204.
- ČERŇANSKÝ, N., MAKULA, M.: Feed-forward Echo State Networks. In: IJCCNN 2005, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 2005, Montreal, July 2005, CD, 4 p. IEEE Computer Society.
- DRAHOŠ, P. , KAPEC, P.: Animating Human Faces Using Modified Waters Muscle Model. In: CESCG 2005, 8th Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics, I. Viola, J. Hladuvka, J. Žára (Eds.), Budmerice, April 2005, Vienna, Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, Vienna University of Technology, pp. 141-148.
- DYSKO, I.: Specialization of design patterns. In: ISIM 2005, 8th International Conference on Information Systems Implementation and Modelling. J. Zendulka (Ed.), Hra¬dec na Moravici, Czech Republic, April 2005. P. Návrat (supervisor), – pp. 153–160.
- DYSKO, I.: Specialization of Object-Oriented Program Written in Java Language. In: IIT.SRC 2005 – Informatics and Information Technology Student Research Conference. Bratislava, April 2005, P. Návrat (supervisor), – pp. 127–132.
- FAZEKAS, Z.: Handling Instable Requirements by Concern-Based Versioning. In: ISD 2005, 14th International Conference on Information Systems Development. A.G. Nilsson et al. (Eds), Karlstad, Sweden, August 2005. P. Návrat (supervisor), – pp. 157–169.
- FLOCHOVÁ, J., AUXT,F.: Supervisory Control Simulation and Web-based Teaching. In: Proceedings of International Conference Cybernetics and Informatics. Dolný Kubín, Slovak Republic, February 2005, - pp. 158-162
- FRIVOLT, G., BIELIKOVÁ, M.: An Approach for Community Cutting. In RAWS 2005, 1st Int. Workshop on Representation and Analysis of Web Space. V. Svátek, V. Snášel (Eds.), Prague, Czech Republic, September 2005. – pp. 49–54.
- FRIVOLT, G.: Analysis of Massive Networks. In: IIT.SRC 2005 – Informatics and Information Technology Student Research Conference. Bratislava, April 2005, M. Bieliková (supervisor), – pp. 27–34.
- GRLICKÝ, V.: An Overview of RDF Model Representation Formats. In: IIT.SRC 2005 – Informatics and Information Technology Student Research Conference. Bratislava, April 2005, P. Návrat (supervisor), – pp. 242–248.
- HUDEC, J.: Functional Test Generator for VLSI Circuits. In: 19th Int. Conference on Systems for Automation of Engineering and Research (SAER2005), Romanski Radi (ed.). Varna, September 2005, ICT Development Agency 2005. - pp. 46-50.
- HUDEC, L.: Solving of computer security accidents. In: Bezpečnosť dát 2005 (Data Security 2005), Bratislava, April 2005, AEC Data Security, - pp. 24 34. (in Slovak)
- JAKUBÍK, J.: Modeling Systems Using Design Patterns. In: IIT.SRC 2005 – Informatics and Information Technology Student Research Conference. Bratislava, April 2005, P. Návrat (supervisor), – pp. 151–158.
- JAKUBÍK, J.: Isolating General Parts of the Composite Design Pattern. In: Objekty 2005, 10th Conference. V. Snášel (Ed.), Ostrava, Czech Republic, November 2005. – pp. 74–84. (in Slovak)
- KARDOŠ, M., FRIŠTACKÝ, N.: Functional Verification for UML-based Model Driven Design of Embedded Systems. In: International Embedded Systems Symposium - IESS 2005. A. Rettberg, M.C. Zanella, F.J. Rammig (Eds.), Manaus, Brazil, August 2005, Springer-Verlag, 2005, IFIP Series Vol. 184, - pp. 103-114.
- KOVÁČ, M., ŠPERKA, M.: Distributed Collaborative Environment Based on Web 3D. In: ICETA 2005, 4th Int. Conference on Emerging e-learning Technologies and Applications, F. Jakab, V. Fedák et al. (Eds.). Košice, September 2005, Elfa. pp. 297-301.
- KOVÁČ, M., ŠPERKA, M.: E-learning and Distributed Collaborative Environment Based on Web3D. In: Conference E-Learning and the Knowledge Society. Berlin, September 2005. Communication & Cognition, Ghent (Belgium). Paper presented at conference, Proceedings will be published in 2006.
- KOŠÍK, M.: On the Composability of Concurrent Systems. In: IIT.SRC 2005 – Informatics and Information Technology Student Research Conference. Bratislava, April 2005, J. Šafařík (supervisor), – pp. 159–166.
- KRAJČOVIČ, T.: Simulator for Embedded System. In: Applied Electronics 2005, Pilsen, September 2005, University of West Bohemia. - pp. 193-196.
- KRIŠKA, J., MAKULA, M.: Neuroevolution of Augmenting Topologies. In: Cognition and Artificial Life V. vol. 2. J. Kelemen, V. Kvasnička, J. Pospíchal (Eds.). Smolenice, May 2005, Opava, Silesian University Press, pp. 637-650. (in Slovak)
- KRIŠTOFIČ, A.: Recommender System for Adaptive Hypermedia Applications. In: IIT.SRC 2005 – Informatics and Information Technology Student Research Conference. Bratislava, April 2005, M. Bieliková (supervisor), – pp. 229–234.
- KRIŠTOFIČ, A., BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Improving Adaptation in Web-Based Educational Hypermedia by Means of Knowledge Discovery. In: HT 2005 – 16th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, ACM Press, Salzburg, Austria, September 2005. – pp. 184–192.
- KURUC, J.: Sharing a User Model between Several Adaptive Hypermedia Applications. In: IIT.SRC 2005 – Informatics and Information Technology Student Research Conference. Bratislava, April 2005, Bratislava, April 2005. M. Bieliková (supervisor), – pp. 249–256.
- KVASNIČKA, V.: Symbolic theory of Hofstadter’s Copycat system for analogy discovery. In: Cognition and Artificial Life V. vol. 1. J. Kelemen, V. Kvasnička, J. Pospíchal (Eds.). Smolenice, May 2005, Opava, Silesian University Press 2005, pp. 299-311.
- KVASNIČKA, V.: An Emergence of Game Strategy. In: Informatics 2005, 8th conference with international participation. I. Plander (Ed.), Bratislava, June 2005, Bratislava, ŠEVT 2005, pp. 67-72 (in Slovak)
- LACKO, P.: An Emergence of Game Strategy in Multiagent Systems. In: IIT.SRC 2005 – Informatics and Information Technology Student Research Conference. Bratislava, April 2005, Slovak University of Technology, pp. 41-48.
- LACKO, P.: A Comparison of Symbolic and Subsymbolic Approach of the Emergence of Game Strategy. In: Cognition and Artificial Life V. vol. 1. J. Kelemen, V. Kvasnička, J. Pospíchal (Eds.). Smolenice, May 2005, Opava, Silesian University Press, pp. 313-321 (in Slovak).
- LACKO, P.: A comparison of symbolic and subsymbolic approach in artificial intelligence. In: MENDEL 2005, 11th International Conference on Soft Computing. Matoušek, R., Ošmera, P. (Eds.). Brno, June 2005, Brno University of Technology 2005, pp. 163-168.
- LEKAVÝ, M., NÁVRAT, P., KAPUSTA, R., ULICKÝ, M., KOŠŤÁL, M., KOŠÍK, M.: Multiagent Coordination in the Domain of Robotic Soccer. In: ZNALOSTI 2005, Poster Proceedings. L. Popelínský, M. Krátký (Eds.), Stará Lesná, Slovakia, February 2005. – pp. 65–68.
- LEKAVÝ, M., NÁVRAT, P.: Team cooperation is a simulated real-world environment shared plans in a simulated soccer game. In: ZNALOSTI 2005, Poster Proceedings. L. Popelínský, M. Krátký (Eds), Stará Lesná, Slovakia, February 2005. – pp. 69–72.
- LEKAVÝ, M.: Optimising Multi-Agent Cooperation Using Evolutionary Algorithm. In: IIT.SRC 2005 – Informatics and Information Technology Student Research Conference. Bratislava, April 2005, P. Návrat (supervisor), – pp. 49-56.
- LÍŠKA, M.: Extensional and Intensional Semantics of pUML Objects. In: IIT.SRC 2005 – Informatics and Information Technology Student Research Conference. Bratislava, April 2005, J. Minárová (supervisor), – pp. 167–174.
- LUČENIČ, Ľ., ARGALÁŠ, P., HALANOVÁ, Z., ŠOLTIS, M.: Foot Gait Analysis and Simulation. In: CESCG 2005, 9th Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics. M. Wimmer, J. Hladůvka, R. Mantiuk (Eds.). Budmerice, May 2005, Bratislava. pp. 101-107.
- MARETÁK, J., ČERŇANSKÝ, M.: Recurrent Neural Network Training with the Kalman Filter Based Techniques. In: Cognition and Artificial Life V. vol. 2. J. Kelemen, V. Kvasnička, J. Pospíchal (Eds.). Smolenice, May 2005, Opava, Silesian University Press, pp. 373-382. (in Slovak).
- MARKO, V.: Describing Structural Properties of Object-Oriented Design Patterns. In: SOFSEM 2005 Communications, 31st Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science. P. Vojtáš et al. (Eds.), Liptovský Ján, Slovakia, January 2005. – pp. 123–128.
- MARKOŠOVÁ, M., HREBČÍK, M.: Language as a graph. In: Cognition and Artificial Life V. vol. 2. J. Kelemen, V. Kvasnička, J. Pospíchal (Eds.). Smolenice, May 2005, Opava, Silesian University Press, pp. 383-390.
- MATUŠÍKOVÁ, K., BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Support of Navigation in Open Information Spaces. In: In: ITAT 2005, Information Technologies–Applications and Theory. P. Vojtáš (Ed.), Račková dolina, Slovakia, September 2005. – pp. 371–380. (In Slovak)
- MOLNÁR, Ľ.: Information Literacy versus Other Literacy? In: ICETA 2005, 4th Inter¬national Conference on Emerging E-Learning Technologies and Applications. F. Jakab, V. Fedák (Eds.), Košice, Slovakia, September 2005. – pp. 33–37.
- MOSTAFA, H.: Home Agent-Based Decentralized User-Mobility with EPA-Selection. In: IIT.SRC 2005 – Informatics and Information Technology Student Research Conference. Bratislava, April 2005, Slovak University of Technology, - pp. 103-107.
- NAVARČÍK, M.: Using UML with OCL as ADL. In: IIT.SRC 2005 – Informatics and Information Technology Student Research Conference. Bratislava, April 2005, P. Návrat (supervisor), – pp. 175–182.
- NAVARČÍK, M., POLÁŠEK, I.: Object Model Notation. In: ISIM´05, 8th International Conference on Information Systems Implementation and Modelling. J. Zendulka (Ed.), Hradec na Moravici, Czech Republic, April 2005. – pp. 211–218.
- NÁVRAT, P., BIELIKOVÁ, M., ROZINAJOVÁ, V.: Methods and Tools for Acquiring and Presenting Information and Knowledge in the Web. In: CompSysTech 2005, International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies and Workshop for PhD Students in Computing. B. Rachev, A. Smrikarov (Eds.), Varna, Bulgria, June 2005. – pp. IIIB.7.1-IIIB.7.6.
- NEHÉZ, M., PETRÍK, T.: Small-World Networks and Genetic Algorithms. In: Cognition and Artificial Life V. J. Kelemen et al. (Eds.), Smolenice, Slovakia, June 2005. – pp. 495–506. (in Slovak)
- POLÁŠEK, I., NAVARČÍK, M., KRISTOVÁ, G.: Formal Notation of Object Structure. In: Aplimat 2005, 4th International Conference, M. Kováčová (Ed.), Bratislava, Slovakia, February 2005. – pp. 335–340.
- POLÁŠEK, I., KRISTOVÁ, G., NAVARČÍK, M.: Alternative Notations for OO Analysis and Design of the Information Systems. In: Applied Informatics Econometrics Statistics Accounting – Buildinig of Society Based on Knowledge, International Scientific Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia, May 2005. – 5 pp.
- POSPÍCHAL, J., KVASNIČKA, V.: About bounded rationality while visiting a bar. In: Cognition and Artificial Life V. vol. 2. J. Kelemen, V. Kvasnička, J. Pospíchal. (Eds.). Smolenice, May 2005, Opava, Silesian University Press, pp. 517-526 (in Slovak).
- POSPÍCHAL, J., KVASNIČKA, V.: Bounded rationality and frequenting a bar. In: MENDEL 2005, 11th International Conference on Soft Computing. R. Matoušek, P. Ošmera (Eds.). Brno, June 2005, Brno University of Technology, pp. 33-38.
- SLAVKOVSKÝ, A.: Specialization of Design Patterns Using Aspect-Oriented Programming. In: ISIM 2005, 8th International Conference on Information Systems Implementation and Modelling. J. Zendulka (Ed.), Hradec na Moravici, Czech Republic, April 2005. P. Návrat (supervisor), – pp. 145–152.
- SLAVKOVSKÝ, A.: Object-Oriented Specialization Using Aspect Programming. In: IIT.SRC 2005 – Informatics and Information Technology Student Research Conference. Bratislava, April 2005, P. Návrat (supervisor), – pp. 133–138.
- SOLČÁNY, V., ŠAFAŘÍK, J: The Effect of Cumulative Lookahead on Conservative Parallel Simulation Performance- In: The 2005 European Simulation and Modelling Conference. Manuel Feliz Teixeira &A.E.Carvalho-Brito (Eds.). Porto, October 2005, University of Porto, EUROSIS-ETI Publications. pp. 512-519.
- SÝKORA, P.: Automatic Grass-Cutter Developed by Genetic Programming. In: IIT.SRC 2005 – Informatics and Information Technology Student Research Conference. M. Bieliková, (Ed.). Bratislava, April 2005, Slovak University of Technology, pp. 14-20.
- ŠEŠERA, Ľ.: Obligation-Fulfillment: A Pattern Language for Some Financial Information Systems. In: EuroPLoP 2005, Tenth European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs. Irsee, Germany, July 2005. – pp. B1-1–B1-26
- ŠÍPKA, M.: Exploring the Commonality in Feature Modeling Notations. In: IIT.SRC 2005 – Informatics and Information Technology Student Research Conference. Bratislava, April 2005, V. Vranić (supervisor), – pp. 139–144.
- ŠPERKA, M., STOLÁR, A: Graphic Design in the Age of Interactive Media. In: 3rd International Symposium of Interactive Media Design. Istanbul, January 2005. Yeditepe University, p. 10.
- ŠPERKA, M., DRAHOŠ, P.: Human Face Expressions Animation and e-Learning. In: 6th Int. Conference Virtual University VU´05. M. Huba (Ed.). Bratislava, December 2005, pp. 119-124.
- TREBATICKÝ, P.: Recurrent Neural Network Training with the Extended Kalman Filter. In: IIT.SRC 2005 – Informatics and Information Technology Student Research Conference. Bratislava, April 2005, Slovak University of Technology, pp. 57-64.
- TREBATICKÝ, P.: Generalisation with Echo-state Networks. In: Cognition and Artificial Life V. vol. 2. J. Kelemen, V. Kvasnička, J. Pospíchal (Eds.). Smolenice, May 2005, Opava, Silesian University Press, pp. 563-572 (in Slovak).
- TREBATICKÝ, P.: Echo-state networks generalisation. In: MENDEL 2005, 11th International Conference on Soft Computing. R. Matoušek, P. Ošmera (Eds.). Brno, June 2005, Brno University of Technology, pp. 151-156.
- TURY, M., BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Changes Identification in Ontologies. In: ITAT 2005, Information Technologies–Applications and Theory. P. Vojtáš (Ed.), Račková dolina, Slovakia, September 2005. – pp. 381–390. (in Slovak)
- TVAROŽEK, M., ADAM, M., BARLA, M., SIVÁK, P.: Spot-it – Going Beyond the Vision Loss Boundaries. In: ACM Student Research Competition Finals. Prague, Czech Republic, November 2005, M. Bieliková (supervisor) – 8 p. (in English)
- ZAJAC, J.: Adaption of Formation According to Opponent Analysis. In: IIT.SRC 2005 – Informatics and Information Technology Student Research Conference. Bratislava, April 2005, M. Lekavý (supervisor), – pp. 22–26.
- ŽIAK, J.: Design and Prototype Implementation of an Evolutionary Environment for Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming. In: IIT.SRC 2005 – Informatics and Information Technology Student Research Conference. Bratislava, April 2005, Slovak University of Technology, pp. 183-191.
- ZOLOTOVÁ, I., FLOCHOVÁ, J., OCELÍKOVÁ, E.: Database Technology and Real Time Industrial Transaction Techniques In: Proceedings of Int. Conf. Cybernetics and Informatics, Dolný Kubín, February 2005, pp.214-219
Proceedings Editor
- BIELIKOVÁ, M.: /ed./: Informatics and Information Technologies Student Research Conference 2005–IIT SRC. Bratislava, FIIT STU. – 263 pp.
- BIELIKOVÁ, M., CHARRON-BOST, B., SÝKORA, O., VOJTÁŠ, P.: /eds./: SOFSEM 2005 Communications, 31th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Liptovský Ján, January 22–28, 2005. Bratislava.
- KELEMEN, J., KVASNIČKA, V., POSPÍCHAL, J.: (Eds.).: Cognition and Artificial life V., Vols. 1 a 2. Opava, Salesian University 2005, Vol 1: 322 p., vol 2: 328 p. (in Slovak).
- MANNOVÁ, B., ŠALOUN, P., BIELIKOVÁ, M.: /eds./: Technologies for e-learning. Seminar proceedings, Prague, Czech Republic, ČVUT, 2005. – 75 pp. (In Czech)
- RYBÁR, J., KVASNIČKA, V., FARKAŠ, I. (Eds.): Language and Cognition. Bratislava, Kalligram 2005, 424 p. (in Slovak).
- VOJTÁŠ, P., BIELIKOVÁ, M., CHARRON-BOST, B., SÝKORA, O.: /eds./: SOFSEM 2005, Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 31th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science. Liptovský Ján, Slovakia, January 22–28, 2005 : proceedings. – Berlin; Heidelberg : Springer, 2005. – 428 pp. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 3381).
Books/Cahpters of books
- GREGUŠOVÁ, D., DULAK, A.. CHLIPALA, M., SUSKO, B.: Information and Communication Technologies Law. STU 2005. – 186 pp. (in Slovak)
- KVASNIČKA, V., POSPÍCHAL, J.: Computer Science for Social Sciences, Comenius University Press, Bratislava 2005, 192 p. (in Slovak).
- KVASNIČKA, V., POSPÍCHAL, J.: About inevitability of universal grammar. In: Rybár, J., Kvasnička, V., Farkaš, I. (Eds.): Language and Cognition. Bratislava, Kalligram 2005, pp. 361-390 (in Slovak).
- RYBÁR, J., KVASNIČKA, V., FARKAŠ, I.: Cognitive approach to exploration. In: Rybár, J., Kvasnička, V., Farkaš, I. (Eds.): Jazyk a kognícia. Bratislava, Kalligram 2005, pp. 13-20 (in Slovak).
Reviews published in Journals
- BIELIKOVÁ, M. (rev.): Real Web Project Management./Aut. Shelford, T. J., Remillard, G. A.: Addison Wesley, Boston, 2003. In: IEEE Software. 22(3):107, May/June 2005. Available online at
- BIELIKOVÁ, M. (rev.): Liability for Defective Content./Aut: Kaner, C.: SIGDOC’04, ACM, 2004. In: ACM Computing Reviews Online. Vol. 46, No. 10, 671–672.
- BIELIKOVÁ, M. (rev.): A Semantic Web Primer./Aut: Antoniou, G., Harmelen, F. van: The MIT Press, Cambridge, 2004. In: ACM Computing Reviews Online.
- BIELIKOVÁ, M. (rev.): Software configuration management handbook (2nd ed.)./Aut: Leon, A.: Artech House, Inc., Norwood, MA, 2004. In: ACM Computing Reviews Online.
- BIELIKOVÁ, M. (rev.): Web engineering: principles and techniques./Aut: Suh, W. (Ed).: Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, PA, 2005. In: ACM Computing Reviews Online.
- KOLESÁR, M.: (rev.): Pocket-PC Boolean Function Simplification. /Aut: Bitincka, L. Antoniou,G.E./ – In: Journal of Electrical Engineering, No. 7-8, Vol. 56, (2005). – pp.209-212
- NÁVRAT, P. (rev.): Data structures and abstractions with Java./Aut: Carrano F., Savitch, W. Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2002, 864 pp. In: ACM Computing Reviews – Vol. 46, No. 1, 12-13 (2005)
- NÁVRAT, P. (rev.): Knowledge-based information retrieval and filtering from the Web. (The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, SECS 746)/Aut: Abramowicz, W.: Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, MA 2003. 320 pp. – In: ACM Computing Reviews – Vol. 46, No. 2, 105-106 (2005)
- NÁVRAT, P. (rev.): Developing semantic Web services. (Aut: Alesso H., Smith C. A. K. Peters, Ltd., 2004), – In: ACM Computing Reviews – accepted for publishing.