- Journals
- Conferences
- Textbooks
- Proceedings Editor
- Books/Cahpters of books
- Reviews published in Journals
- P. NÁVRAT – Y. MANOLOPOULOS – VOSSEN G. /Guest editors./: Information Systems. Incorporating Database Technology. Special Issue: ADBIS 2002: Advances in Database and Information Systems. In: Information Systems. Databases: Creation, Management and Utilization. – Vol. 29, Issue 6, (2004), ISSN 0306-4379
- HASSAN, A., HUDEC, L.: Management and Verification of Firewall and Router Access Lists. In: Computing and Informatics. - Vol. 23, No. 1 (2004), pp. 77-100.
- KAPUSTA, R., ŠPERKA, M.: Reconstructing 3D surfaces from the images of scene using structured light. In: G – slovenský časopis pre geometriu a grafiku. – Vol.1, No.2, (2004), pp. 5-12.
- KOLESÁR, M.: Krátko z histórie spolku . III (2002). In: EE – časopis pre elektrotechniku a energetiku. – Vol. 10, No. 6 (2004), p. 36 (in Slovak)
- KVASNIČKA, V.: Holographic reduced representation in artificial intelligence and Cognitive Science. In: Neural Network World, Vol. 14, No.6, (2004), 521-532.
- LACKO, P., KVASNIČKA, V., POSPÍCHAL, J.: An emergence of game strategy in multiagent systems. In: International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, World Scientific, Vol. 4, No. 3, (2004), pp. 283-298.
- MOLNÁR, Ľ., NÁVRAT, P.: Nový impulz pre informatiku. In: Profit. – No.1-2 (2004), p. 42.
- NÁVRAT, P.: Vysokým školám prospeje pravda o ich úrovni. Rozhovor. In: Trend. – No. 8th Apríl, (2004), pp. 22-25.
- NAVRAT, P., MANOLOPOULOS, Y., VOSSEN, G.: Special issue on ADBIS 2002: advances in databases and information systems. In: Information Systems. – Vol.29, (2004), pp. 437-438.
- PARÍZKOVÁ, J.: Zobrazenie činnosti programu. In: Informatika v škole. – No. 28, (2004), pp. 19 – 24.
- PARÍZKOVÁ, J., MLYNÁR, J.: Method for visualisation of data flow in program. In: Slovenský učiteľ (Supplement of journal Technológia vzdelávania) – No. 8 (2004), pp. 8-10. (in Slovak)
- POLČICOVÁ, G., TIŇO, P.: Making sense of sparse rating data in collaborative filtering via topographic organization of user preference patterns. In: Neural Networks, Elsevier, Vol. 17, (2004), pp. 1183-1199
- ŠPERKA, M.: Tvrdá kôrka vysokého školstva. In: Profit. – No.1-2, (2004), pp. 51 53.
- ŠPERKA, M.: Virtuálna realita alebo zdanlivá skutočnosť. In: Profit. - No.17-18, (2004), pp. 30-32.
- ŠPERKA, M.: Geometry in Graphics and Multimedia Courses at the FIIT STU Bratislava. In: G – slovenský časopis pre geometriu a grafiku. – Vol.1, No.1 (2004), pp. 55-66.
- TIŇO, P., ČERŇANSKÝ, M., BEŇUŠKOVÁ, Ľ.: Markovian Architectural Bias of Recurrent Neural Networks. In: IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks. – Vol. 15, No.1, (2004), pp. 6-15.
- ÁGH, P., BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Considering Human Memory Aspects to Adapting in Educational Hypermedia. In Proc. of Workshop on Individual Differences, AH 2004: 3rd Int. Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems. Lora Aroyo and Carlo Tasso (Eds.).Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 23. - 26. 8. 2004, pp.107-114.
- BABINEC, Š., POSPÍCHAL, J.: Optimalizácia Metropolisovým algoritmom v Echo State neurónových sieťach. In: Kognice a umělý život IV. J.Kelemen, V. Kvasnička /eds./, 26. - 30. 5. 2004 Hradec nad Moravicí. Opava, Slezská univerzita 2004, pp.35–44.
- BABINEC, Š., POSPÍCHAL, J.: Optimization in Echo state neural networks by Metropolis algorithm. In R. Matoušek, P. Ošmera (eds.): Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Soft Computing MENDEL 2004. Brno, 16. - 18. 6. 2004, VUT Brno Publishing, 2004, pp. 155-160.
- BAGALA, A.: Grid Computing & Security. In: Proc. of International Conference and Competition of students' scientific works STUDENT EEICT 2004, M.Vojvoda /ed./, Bratislava, May 27, 2004, pp. 147-150.
- BALGA, A., ČIČÁK, P., SLÍŽIK, P., HLUCHÝ, L.: Hybrid SkipNet – Reducing Maintenance Overhead in a SkipNet-like Routing Structure. In: ECI 2004, Proc. of the 6th Int. Scientific Conference Electronic Computers and Informatics. Košice-Herľany 22. - 24. 9. 2004. Š.Hudák – J.Kollár /eds./Košice, Vienala Press 2004, pp. 235-240.
- BERNÁT, D.: Synchronisation and Concurrency. In: Peter Van Emde Boas, Pokorný, J., Bieliková, M., Štuller J. /eds./: SOFSEM 2004: Theory and Practice of Computer Science. Volume II. Prague, Matfyzpress 2004, pp. 211-218.
- BIELIKOVÁ, M., NORIS, I.: A Model of Versioned Web Sites. In: Peter Van Emde Boas – J.Pokorný, M. Bieliková, J. Štuller /eds./: SOFSEM 2004: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 30th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science. Měřín, 24. - 30. 1. 2004. Berlin, Springer 2004, pp.151-162.
- BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Agilné metódy vývoja. In: SOFTECON 2004, odborná konferencia o víziách a trendoch v mocerných informačných technológiách. Bratislava, 24. 2. 2004. SOFTEC 2004, 40 p.
- BIELIKOVÁ, M., KURUC, J.: Tvorba obsahu v adaptívnych hypermédiách pre e-vzdelávanie. In: B. Mannová, P. Šaloun, M. Bieliková /eds./: Technologies for e-learning 2004. Praha, ČVUT 14. 6. 2004, 11-21.
- BIELIKOVÁ, M., KURUC, J., MARKO, V.: Entry into Virtual University Space through Web-Based e-Application.. In: ICETA 2004, 3nd Int.Conference on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies and Applications. F. Jakab, L. Smuelis, I. Sivý, M. Bučko /eds./. 16. - 18. 9. 2004 Košice, Elfa, pp. 403-410.
- BIELIKOVÁ, M., HABALA, R.: University Course Support by Web-Based Adaptive e-Board. In: ICETA 2004, 3nd Int.Conference on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies and Applications. F. Jakab, L. Samuelis, I. Sivý, M. Bučko /eds./. 16. - 18. 9. 2004 Košice, Elfa, pp. 395-401.
- BIELIKOVÁ, M., HABALA, R.: Time-Based Extensions to Adaptation Techniques. In: P.DeBra, W.Nejdl /eds./: Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems. 3rd Int.Conference AH 2004, Eindhoven August 23-26, 2004, Berlin, Springer 2004, pp. 376-379.
- BLŠTÁK, P.: Špecifikácia fyzického návrhu WEB aplikácií v CASE nástroji a jeho mapovanie do implementačného prostredia. In: ACM Student 2004 Finals, Prague, 26. 11. 2004, 8 p.
- ČERŇANSKÝ, M., MAKULA, M., BEŇUŠKOVÁ, Ľ.: Processing Symbolic Sequences by Recurrent Neural Networks Trained by Kalman Filter-Based Algorithms. In: In: Peter Van Emde Boas, J. Pokorný, M. Bieliková, J. Štuller /eds./: SOFSEM 2004: Theory and Practice of Computer Science. Volume II. Prague, Matfyzpress 2004, pp. 58 – 65.
- ČERŇANSKÝ, M., MAKULA, M.: Pamäť v náhodne inicializovaných rekurentných neurónových sieťach. In: Kognice a umělý život IV. J.Kelemen, V. Kvasnička /eds./, 26. - 30. 5. 2004 Hradec nad Moravicí. Opava, Slezská univerzita 2004, pp. 117-127.
- ČIČÁK, P., KOTOČOVÁ, M.: Fibre to the Home (riešenie úzkeho hrdla poslednej míle), In: CiOS 2004, 1st Int.Conference on Communication in Optical Systems, Bratislava, 3. 2. 2004.
- ČIČÁK, P., Jakab, F.: Využívanie výkonných sieťových infraštruktúr pre e-learning. In: CiOS 2004, 1st Int.Conference on Communication in Optical Systems, Bratislava, 3. 2. 2004.
- ČIČÁK, P., MOSTAFA, H.: Manifestation of PBS as a Medium-Access Communication System in Enterprise ALL-Optical Computer Networks. In: CiOS 2004, 1st Int.Conference on Communication in Optical Systems, Bratislava, 3. 2. 2004.
- ČIČÁK, P., GRELLNETH, I., KOTOČOVÁ, M., MESJAR, P.: Contribution to the Evaluation Methodology. In: ICETA 2004, 3nd Int.Conference on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies and Applications. F.Jakab, L.Smuelis, I.Sivý, M.Bučko /eds./. 16. - 18. 9. 2004 Košice, Elfa, pp. 515-518.
- DRAHOŠ, P., KAPEC, P.: Animating Human Faces Using Modified Waters Muscle Model. In: Proceedings of the8th Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics, CESCG 2004, I.Viola, J.Hladůvka, J. Žára /eds./, Budmerice, April 19-21, 2004. Vienna University of Technology + Comenius University Bratislava 2004, pp. 141-148.
- FILKORN, R., NÁVRAT, P.: Modeling Optimization Components for XML Processing. In: ISIM 2004, Proc. of the 7th Int. Conference Information Systems Implementation and Modelling, Rožňov p.Radhoštěm 19.-20.4.2004, ed. M. Beneš. Ostrava, MARQ 2004, pp. 69-76.
- FILKORN, R.: On Design Pattern Combinations for Hierarchical Object Structures . In Proc. of International Conference and Competition of students' scientific works STUDENT EEICT 2004, Bratislava, May 27, 2004, pp. 143-146.
- FRIŠTACKÝ, N.: A formal description of digital systems inter-module communications. In: ECI 2004, Proc. of the 6th Int. Scientific Conference Electronic Computers and Informatics. Košice-Herľany 22. - 24. 9. 2004. Š. Hudák, J. Kollár /eds./ Košice, Vienala Press 2004, pp. 117-124.
- GAŽO, L., DONOVAL, M., GREGOR, M., OBERT, J.: eXtraordinary Message Service. In: ACM Student 2004 Finals, Prague, 26. 11. 2004, 8 p.
- GEJGUŠ, P., PLAČEK, J., ŠPERKA, M.: Skin color segmentation method based on mixture of Gaussians and its application in Learning System for Finger Alphabet. In: Proc. of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (e-Learning), CompSysTech´04, Rousse, 17-18 June 2004. Sofia, Bulgarian Chapter of ACM-acmbul+UAI 2004, pp. IIIA.1-1 – IIIA 1-5.
- GEJGUŠ, P., NIKLOVÁ, A., PLAČEK, J., ŠPERKA, M.: Interactive Learning System for Sign Language and Finger Alphabet. In: E-Learning Conference. Flemish Academic Center for Science and The ArtsKoninklijke, Brussels, Belgium, 6. - 8. september 2004.
- GRLICKÝ, V.: Information Integration from Disparate Web Sources. In: ISIM 2004, Proc. of the 7th Int. Conference Information Systems Implementation and Modelling, Rožňov p.Radhoštěm 19. - 20. 4. 2004, ed. M. Beneš. Ostrava, MARQ 2004, pp. 77-84.
- GRLICKÝ, V.: Two-level Multistrategy Approach to Web Data Integration. In: In Proc. of International Conference and Competition of students' scientific works STUDENT EEICT 2004, M. Vojvoda /ed./, Bratislava, May 27, 2004, pp. 127-130.
- HASSAN, A., HUDEC, L.: Network Security Policy Implementation in Large Companies´LANs. In: CIOS´04, Komunikácia v optických systémoch. Bratislava, 2004, s. 1-12.
- MOSTAFA, H., ČIČÁK, P.: Towards an Equilibrium Strategy in Wireless Mobile-IP Computer Networks. In: ICETA 2004, 3nd Int.Conference on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies and Applications. F. Jakab, L. Smuelis, I. Sivý, M. Bučko /eds./. Conference Proceedings. 16. - 18. 9. 2004 Košice, Elfa, pp. 123-129.
- HUDEC, L.: Technický pohľad na PKI. In: Bezpečnosť dát 2004. Bratislava. AEC 2004, pp. 40-47.
- KINDER, R., HUDEC, L., BLAŽÍČEK, M.: Automated Hall profiling system with a four point probe for characterization of semiconductors. In: EDS´04, 11th Electronic Devices and Systems Conference 2004, Brno, 9. - 10. 9. 2004. J. Boušek, J. Háze /eds./, Brno, VUT 2004, pp. 429-433.
- KOVÁROVÁ A.: Multimedia Support for Teaching Physics. In: In: 5th International Conference Virtual Reality VU´04, Bratislava, December 16-17, STU 2004, pp. 194-198.
- KOVÁROVÁ, A.: CZABNNER, S.: Interactive Simulations of Elementary Physical Experiments. In: First Central European International Multimedia and Virtual Reality Conference, Veszprém, Hungary, May 6-8, 2004, pp. 109-116
- KOVÁROVÁ, A.: Multimedia Support for Teaching Physics. In: ACM Student Finals, Prague, 26. 11. 2004, 8 p.
- KURUC, J., DOLOG, P., BIELIKOVÁ, M.: Prototyping Navigation in Web-Based Information Systems Using WebML. In: Proc. of DATAKON 2004, K. Ježek (Ed.), Brno, Czech Republic, October 23-26, 2004, pp. 253-262.
- KURUC, J: Behavioral Aspects of WebML Hypertext Model. In: Proceedings of the International Conference and Competition of students’ scientific works STUDENT EEICT 2004, Bratislava, May 27, 2004, 131-134.
- KRAJČOVIČ, T.: EMP-Experimental Microprogrammable Processor. In: Applied Electronics 2004, Int.Conference, Pilsen, 8. - 9. 9. 2004. J.Pinker /ed./, Plzeň, ZČU 2004, pp. 117-120.
- KVASNIČKA, V., POSPÍCHAL, J.: Replicator Theory of Coevolution of Chomsky´s Universal Grammars and Generative Grammars. In: Peter Van Emde Boas, Pokorný, J., Bieliková, M., Štuller J. /eds./: SOFSEM 2004: Theory and Practice of Computer Science. Proceedings Volume II. Prague, Matfyzpress 2004, pp. 115-123.
- KVASNIČKA, V., POSPÍCHAL, J.: Holografická redukovaná reprezentácia v umelej inteligencii a kognitívnej vede. In: Kognice a umělý život IV. J. Kelemen, V. Kvasnička /eds./, 26. - 30. 5. 2004 Hradec nad Moravicí. Opava, Slezská univerzita 2004, pp. 299-321.
- KVASNIČKA, V.: Replicator theory of coevolution of genes and memes. 2nd Slovakian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence SAMI 2004, P. Sinčák, J. Fodor (eds.), Košice-Herľany, 16. - 17. 1. 2004, pp. 7-30.
- KVASNIČKA, V., POSPÍCHAL, J.: Holographic reduced representation in artificial intelligence and cognitive science. In I. Rukovanský, P. Ošmera (eds.): Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Soft Computing Applied in Computer and Economic Environments. European Polytechnical Institute, Kunovice, 29. - 30. 1. 2004, pp. 305-328.
- KVASNIČKA, V., POSPÍCHAL, J.: Holographic reduced representation in artificial intelligence and cognitive science. In: Proc. of DATAKON 2004, K. Ježek (Ed.), Brno, Czech Republic, October 23-26, 2004, pp. 263-270.
- LACKO, P.: Evolučná emergencia stratégie hry v multiagentových systémoch. In: Kognice a umělý život IV. J. Kelemen, V. Kvasnička /eds./, 26. - 30. 5. 2004 Hradec nad Moravicí. Opava, Slezská univerzita 2004. pp. 333-351.
- MAKULA, M., ČERŇANSKÝ, M., BEŇUŠKOVÁ, Ľ.: Approaches Based on Markovian Architectural Bias in Recurrent Neural Networks. In: In: Peter Van Emde Boas, J. Pokorný, M. Bieliková, J. Štuller /eds./: SOFSEM 2004: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 30th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science. Proceedings. Berlin, Springer 2004, pp.257-264.
- MAKULA, M., ČERŇANSKÝ, M.: Neurónové siete založené na echo stavoch.. In: Kognice a umělý život IV. J. Kelemen, V. Kvasnička /eds./, 26. - 30. 5. 2004 Hradec nad Moravicí. Opava, Slezská univerzita 2004, pp. 363-371.
- MAKULA, M., ČERŇANSKÝ, M.: Evaluation of neural network performance based on entropy. In Proc. of International Conference and Competition of students' scientific works STUDENT EEICT 2004, Bratislava, 2004, pp. 172-175.
- MARKO, V.: Supporting Design Pattern Instantiation in Software Design. In: ISIM 2004, Proc. of the 7th Int. Conference Information Systems Implementation and Modelling, Rožňov p.Radhoštěm 19. - 20. 4. 2004, ed. M. Beneš. Ostrava, MARQ 2004, pp. 85-92.
- MARKO, V.: Role Based Design Pattern Modeling for Interactive Instantiation. In: Proc. of International Conference and Competition of students' scientific works STUDENT EEICT 2004, M.Vojvoda /ed./, Bratislava, May 27, 2004, pp. 139-142.
- MARKO, V.: Template Based, Designer Driven Design Pattern Instantiation Support. In: ADBIS 2004, Advances in Databases and Information Systems, A.Benczúr – J. Demetrovvics – G. Gottlob /eds./, 8th East European Conference, Budapest, 22. - 25. 9. 2004. Berlin, Springer 2004, pp. 144-158.
- MARKOŠOVÁ, M.: Jazyk ako sieť malého sveta. In: Kognice a umělý život IV. J.Kelemen, V. Kvasnička /eds./, 26. - 30. 5. 2004 Hradec nad Moravicí. Opava, Slezská univerzita 2004. pp. 397-405.
- MOLNÁR, Ľ.: Unlimited Learning and Its Quality. In: ICETA 2004, 3nd Int.Conference on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies and Applications. F. Jakab, L. Samuelis, I. Sivý, M. Bučko /eds./. 16. - 18. 9. 2004, Košice, Elfa, pp. 41-44.
- NAVARČÍK, M.: Mathematical model of history. In: ISIM 2004, Proc. of the 7th Int. Conference Information Systems Implementation and Modelling, Rožňov p.Radhoštěm 19. - 20. 4. 2004, ed. M. Beneš. Ostrava, MARQ 2004, pp. 119-126.
- NAVARČÍK, M.: Mathematical Explanation of Chosen Analysis Patterns. In: Proc. of International Conference and Competition of students' scientific works STUDENT EEICT 2004, M.Vojvoda /ed./, Bratislava, May 27, 2004, pp. 135-138.
- NEHÉZ, M., BERNÁT, D.: On Communication Protocols in Unreliable Mesh Networks and their Relation to Phase Transitions. In: Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, Proc. of the ISCA 17th International Conference, San Francisco 15. - 17. 9. 2004, D. A. Bader – A. A. Khokhar /eds./, Cary, ISCA 2004. pp. 235- 239.
- NEHÉZ, M.: Interval Routing in Random Graphs, In: 2nd COMSTRU Workshop 2004, Venice, 20-22 September 2004, Abstracts, p.6.
- NEHÉZ, M.: On Subgraphs with Compactness 1 in Random Meshes. In: Aplimat, 3rd international conference, Bratislava, 3. - 6. 2. 2004. SjF STU 2004, pp. 729-734.
- POLČICOVÁ, G., TIŇO, P.: Introducing a Star Topology into Latent Class Models for Collaborative Filtering. In: Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. M. Bramer – V. Devedzic /eds./, IFIP 18th World Computer Congress, 22-27 August 2004 Toulouse. Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers 2004, 293-303.
- SEDLÁČEK, M.: Evaluation of RGB and HSV models in Human Faces Detection. In: : Proceedings of the8th Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics, CESCG 2004, I. Viola, J. Hladůvka, J. Žára /eds./, Budmerice, April 19-21, 2004. Vienna University of Technology + Comenius University Bratislava 2004, pp. 125-131.
- SOLČÁNY, V., ŠAFAŘÍK, J.: Cumulative Lookahead in Conservative Parallel Simulation . In: Book of Abstracts, 5th EUROSIM Congress on Modeling and Simulation, 6-10. 9. 2004 Marne la Vallée, G.Attiya, Y. Hamam /eds./, Paris, EuroSim 2004, pp. 65-66.
- SOLČÁNY, V., ŠAFAŘÍK, J.: Cumulative Lookahead in Conservative Parallel Simulation . In: 5th EUROSIM Congress on Modeling and Simulation, 6. - 10. 9. 2004 Marne la Vallée, G. Attiya, Y. Hamam /eds./, Paris, EuroSim 2004. CD ROM. pp. 32-37.
- ŠPERKA, M.: Web 3D and New Forms of Human Computer Interaction. In: 2nd Int. Symposium of Interactive Media Design, Istanbul, January 5-7, 2004. A.Algül, S.Ögüt, N.Saraçer /eds./, Yeditepe University. pp 117-122.
- ŠPERKA, M., PLAČEK, J., SMETANOVÁ, A., GEJGUŠ, P.: Augmented Reality and E-Training: Learning Finger Alphabet. In: 5th International Conference Virtual Reality VU´04, Bratislava, December 16-17, STU 2004, pp. 39-43.
- ŠPERKA, M.: WEB3D – Virtual Reality for Every Home: Students projects at the FIIT STU. In: Informatika a informačné technológie 2004. Banská Bystrica, 2004, pp. 125-129.
- TAKÁCS, M., VOJTEK, V.: Inteligentné rozhranie pre zabezpečenie webovských aplikácií. In: DATAKON 2004, J.Ježek /ed./ Brno 23-26, MU 2004, pp. 311-320.
- TÖRÖK, T.: On HW/SW Co-Design of Embedded Systems. In: Počítačové architektúry + diagnostika (PAD 2004), česko-slovenský seminár pre študentov doktorandského štúdia, Moravany nad Váhom 15. - 17. 9. 2004. E.Gramatová, M. Fischerová /eds./ Bratislava, ÚI SAV 2004. pp. 29-32.
- TÖRÖK, T.: FPGA Implementation of Self-Synchronized Channel AES Encryption Suitable for ISDN. In: Proc. of International Conference and Competition of students' scientific works STUDENT EEICT 2004, M. Vojvoda /ed./, Bratislava, May 27, 2004, pp. 164-167.
- TREBATICKÝ, P.: Trénovanie rekurentných neurónových sietí technikou rozšíreného Kalmanovho filtra. In: ACM Student 2004 Finals, Prague, 26. 11. 2004, 8 p.
- VRANIĆ, V.: Reconciling Feature Modeling: A Feature Modeling Metamodel. In: Object-Oriented and Internet-Based Technologies. Proc. of the 5th Annual Int. Conference on Object-Oriented and Internet-Based Technologies, Concepts, and Applications for a Networked World, Net.ObjectDays 2004, Erfurt, September 27-30, 2004. Proceedings. M. Weske – P. Liggesmeyer /eds./, Berlin, Springer 2004, pp. 122-137.
- HUBA, M., BIELIKOVÁ, M., BISTÁK, P. a kol.: Tímová práca. - Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo STU, 2004. - 1.ed. 148 p. ISBN 80-227-2119-0.
Proceedings Editor
- VAN EMDE BOAS, P., POKORNÝ, J., BIELIKOVÁ, M., ŠTULLER, J.: /eds./: Theory and Practice of Computer Science. 30th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science. SOFSEM 2004, Měřín, CzR, January 24-30, 2004 : proceedings. – Berlin; Heidelberg : Springer, 2004. - 384 p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 2932). – ISBN 3-540-20779-1
- VAN EMDE BOAS, P., POKORNÝ, J., BIELIKOVÁ, M., ŠTULLER, J.: /eds./: Theory and Practice of Computer Science. 30th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science. SOFSEM 2004, Měřín, CzR, January 24-30, 2004: proceedings Vol.II. – Praha: Matfyzpress, 2004. - 263 p. – ISBN 80-86732-19-3
- KELEMEN, J., KVASNIČKA, V. /eds./: Kognice a umělý život IV. Hradec nad Moravicí, May 26-30, 2004 : proceedings. – Opava: Slezská univerzita, 2004. ?p. – ISBN 80-7248-232-7
- MANNOVÁ, B., ŠALOUN, P., BIELIKOVÁ, M. (Editors): Technologie pro e-learning. - Praha: ČVUT, 2004. - ISBN 81-01-03167-5.
Books/Cahpters of books
- POSPÍCHAL, J.: Evolution of unconscious cooperation in proportional discrete time harvesting. In: P. Sincak, J. Vascak, K. Hirota (Eds.): Machine Intelligence, Quo Vadis? World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 2004, pp. 385-402.
- KVASNIČKA, V.: Artificial chemistry, replicators, and molecular darwinian evolution in silico. In: P. Sincak, J. Vascak, K. Hirota (Eds.): Machine Intelligence, Quo Vadis? World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 2004, pp. 403-425.
- KVASNIČKA, V. – GÁL, E. – POSPÍCHAL, J.: Memetika „in silico“. In: J. Nosek (ed.): Memy ve vědě a filosofii? – Praha : Filosofia, Nakladatelství FU AV ČR, 2004. pp. 101-119. – ISBN 80-7007-196-6
Reviews published in Journals
- BIELIKOVÁ, M.(rev.): Task-role-based access control model. /Aut: Oh, Sejong, Park, Seog.- Information Systems Vol.28, 6, (2003), pp. 533-562. – In: ACM Computing Reviews. – Vol. 45, No.6, 383 (2004)
- BIELIKOVÁ, M. (rev.): Sebesta, R.W.: Programming the World Wide Web. /Aut: Sebesta , R.W.- Boston: Addison Wesley Longman Publ.Co., Inc., 2002. 608 pp., - In: ACM Computing Reviews – Vol. 45, No.4, 208-209 (2004)
- BIELIKOVÁ, M. (rev.): Managing Software for Growth: without fear, control, and the manufacturing mindset./Aut: Miller R.- Boston: Addison Wesley Longman Publ. Co, Inc., 2003. - In: ACM Computing Reviews - Vol. 45, No. 9. (2004)
- BIELIKOVÁ, M. (rev.): A Guide to software configuration management. /Aut: Leon, A.- Norwood, MA: Artech House, Inc., 2000. - In: ACM Computing Reviews - Vol. 45, No. 11, 692, (2004)
- KOLESÁR, M.: Monadic predicate formulae. /Aut: Bokr J., Jáneš V. – In: Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica Vol. 4, No. 4, 37-39 (2004)
- NÁVRAT, P. (rev.): Knowledge-based information retrieval and filtering from the Web. (The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, SECS 746) / Aut: Abramowicz W., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, MA 2003. – In: ACM Computing Reviews – on line (2004)
- NÁVRAT, P. (rev.): Data structures and abstractions with Java. /Aut: Carrano F., Savitch, W. Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2002, 864 pp. In: ACM Computing Rviews – on line (2004)
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