The aim of the bachelor project is to learn methods and procedures for solving relatively large projects, to demonstrate the ability to independently and creatively solve complex tasks in accordance with current methods and procedures used in the relevant field, and thus to demonstrate readiness for application in practice. The supervisor and, where appropriate, the pedagogical supervisor are methodologically involved in its preparation.
There are two milestones in the process of solving the bachelor project:
- Preparation of an interim report on the project (in the winter semester)
- Preparation of the final report on the project (bachelor thesis; in the summer semester)
If a group of students is working on one or similar assignments, each student must work independently and submit a separate project that is the result of his/her individual work. Each student has a separate assignment.
Follow the rules of academic ethics and correctly identify and cite the information sources used (bibliographic references and citations in Slovak) when dealing with your thesis project.
More detailed information on project management and documentation can be found in the handbook
Bieliková, M.: How to solve a project successfully. 1st edition. Bratislava: STU, 2000. 158 p. ISBN 80-227-1329-5.
Bachelor project schedule
- Project selection (registration)
- In the academic year preceding the academic year in which the project starts, usually in May
- Elaboration of the project
- Bachelor project I
- Submission of interim report at the end of the winter semester
- Progress and results are assessed by the project leader with a grade
The Bachelor Thesis (Bachelor project II)
- Submission of the final report at the end of the summer semester.
- Progress and results are assessed by the project leader and opponent.
- Assignment of referees will be announced a few days/weeks after the submission of the thesis (after the administrative processing of the submitted bachelor thesis), approximately at the beginning of the examination period in the summer semester.
- Presentation of the project results is up to the individual agreement between the student and the opponent.
- Publication of the opponent's and supervisor's opinions within 3 working days before the defence.
- Bachelor project I
- Defence of the project
- In the academic year in which the project was carried out, usually in June
The exact dates for the current academic year can be found in the Study schedule, assignment of referees and allocation to defence committees in the corresponding sub-section Study schedule / Bachelor project.