23 April 2025
Bratislava, Slovakia
Organized by Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Informatics and Information Technology, Slovakia
- Conference pofile
- Topics and subtopics of the conference
- Important dates
- Submission instructions
- Committees
- Program
- Poster Presentations
- Keynote
Call for Papers
Informatics and Information Technologies Student Research Conference (IIT.SRC) solicits computer science research papers from student authors at all study levels. It is an excellent opportunity to present and discuss research results related to formal or informal student research activities on a peer-to-peer basis. Presentations (poster based) are conducted in an exceedingly open and friendly environment ensuring plenty of highly relevant feedback.
The papers must be authored solely by students. Each paper must be supervised by a more senior researcher. Supervisors of PhD student papers must have a PhD degree. For supervisors of master’s and bachelor’s student papers, it is sufficient if they are PhD students.
The papers submitted to the conference must be original and previously unpublished. . Since there are no proceedings published in this conference, the papers submitted to the conference may be under review elsewhere.
The papers accepted to the conference will be made available to the conference participants in the days preceding and following the conference date in order to foster discussion. The authors are encouraged to improve their papers based on the comments they received at the conference and offer them at international scientific venues in cooperation with their supervisors.
e-mail: iitsrc25[at]fiit.stuba.sk
Example topics, though not limited to this list, include
- Advanced Software Development
- Automotive
- Blockchain
- Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Discovery
- Cyber Security and IoT
- Computer Vision and Computer Graphics
- plus all relevant subtopics related to the rementioned topics