PUBLIKOVANÉ 19. júl 2021
19. júla 2021 o 9.00 hod. (pondelok)
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Ing. Waheedullah Sulaiman Khail, M.Sc.:
Composing Organizational Patterns More Precisely
Organizing people is very important and one of the great challenges, and particularly in software development. Organizational patterns document organizational knowledge, which can be used to build an organization from the start or solve existing issues within organizations. Although patterns in isolation are not uncommon, they are more effective when they are composed and applied together in sequences. In order to apply organizational patterns, one has to understand not only the patterns, but also the relationships between them. Although there has been much research done on the patterns and how patterns are applied, little work has been done in finding out the relationships between patterns. What the thesis reported in this paper states is that if organizational patterns are composed more precisely, that will improve the accessibility, comprehensibility, and applicability of the organizational knowledge. The main contributions of the thesis are all in favor of the thesis statement: identifying the relationships between patterns in a pattern format makes these relationships explicit, using text mining techniques and natural language processing techniques helps identify and extract further relationships between patterns, formalizing the relationships be-tween patterns with a context free grammar makes the relationships exact, while applying the pattern format once again to capture whole pattern languages makes them more comprehensible. Each of the approaches was evaluated on nontrivial examples. Additionally, a comprehensive study involving thirty participants from ten organizations and five countries was conducted. It embraced sixteen organizational patterns. Furthermore, a scenario was developed where these approaches were applied in synergy. The study results confirm that applying the approaches proposed in the thesis reported here makes organizational knowledge more accessible, comprehensible, and applicable. These approaches also help practitioners navigate through patterns. This allow them to identify, learn, and apply proven techniques in their organizations.