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PUBLIKOVANÉ 22. marec 2012
DÁTUM PODUJATIA: 25. apríl 2012
The Challenges in ICT: Debunking the Hype
Pozývame vás na stretnutie s vedcom,
zaoberajúcim sa bezpečnosťou, zeleným počitaním, gridmi a počítaniu v oblaku,
v rámci študentskej vedeckej konferencie IIT.SRC 2012
25. apríla 2012 o 9:00
poslucháreň BC 300
(prízemie medzi blokmi B a C)
![](/buxus/images/iit.src/2012/jeffery_pozvanka_2012-04-25_300.jpg) |
ICT has – in the last 50 years – changed the world of business, learning and leisure more than any other technology or influence. Imagine if we took computers out of the world. It would take every man, woman and child in UK working 24/7/365 to manage the banking transactions. Transport would stop. Communications would stop. TV and radio would stop. Financial services would stop. Hospitals could not operate effectively. Manufacturing would stop. Retail would stop.
Even your car, fridge, washing machine, home TV, central heating system would stop.
The management of ICT and gaining the best cost-benefit (by hiding complexity using autonomic techniques) is a perpetual challenge. The newest concept is CLOUD Computing. It follows (and to some extent incorporates) many previous concepts such as GRID computing, Cluster Computing, Distributed Computing, Client-Server computing, Service-oriented architecture, Model-driven software development and many more.
We shall explore what CLOUD computing is and what it means for us all in the context of the modern ICT environment. We shall also consider whether or not it provides a solution to the major underlying challenges in ICT. We shall also look forward to what is coming next.
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IIT.SRC 2012 - prednáška Keitha G. Jefferyho>>>
Keith G. Jeffery is currently Director International Relations at STFC (Science and Technology Facilities Council) based at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. Keith previously had strategic and operational responsibility for ICT with 360,000 users, 1100 servers and 140 staff. Keith holds 3 honorary visiting professorships, is a Fellow of the Geological Society of London and the British Computer Society, is a Chartered Engineer and Chartered IT Professional and an Honorary Fellow of the Irish Computer Society. Keith is currently President of ERCIM and President of euroCRIS, and serves on international expert groups, conference boards and assessment panels. He had advised government on security and green computing. He chaired the EC Expert Groups on GRIDs and on CLOUD Computing.