Ahmud Bulit
(Department of Computer Science, Istanbul Şehir University, Turkey)
Pozývame vás na pozvanú prednášku
v rámci programu Erasmus (učiteľské mobility)
13. mája 2014 o 11.00 hod.
v Turingovej veľkej učebni
(-1.58, prvé podzemné podlažie) FIIT STU v Bratislave
Consider “Acme Corp.” that sells subscription based services to Internet users for them to create custom social networks. Acme can market its services either by (1) launching a marketing campaign for displaying ads to the full set of Internet users, or (2) by employing what is known as precision targeting: “Show my ad to any user who enters the query q = ‘create my own social networking site’”. The key insight in the second approach is that the user’s query q may already indicate her purchase intent. From the query q, we can infer that the user wants to create a social network, and is potentially willing to buy the necessary service from an “eligible” service provider. An ad that speaks exactly to the market segment (or to the purchase intent) around q is what makes this new type of advertising attractive to both advertisers and customers. In the preceding example, the query ‘create my own social networking site’ is called a search keyword (keyword for short), and the type of advertising that revolved around this notion is called keyword-based advertising or search advertising. It is originally pioneered by Overture, and generates tens of billions of dollars per year in revenue for search engine giants like Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft. More specifically, Google currently derives 87% of its annual $50 billion in revenue from selling online ads. In this talk, we will delve into the depths of Search Advertising world.

Dr. Bulut is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Istanbul Sehir University. He oversees Search Engine Marketing (SEM) operations at Udemy Inc. Previously, he managed SEM operations at Grou.ps Inc. He worked as a Research Scientist at Citrix Online, and as a Senior Researcher at Like.com. At Citrix Online, he was in the core set of people that architected and developed the first scalable and fault tolerant back-end infrastructure for the award winning online collaboration product GoToMeeting. Dr. Bulut holds a bachelors degree in Computer Engineering from Bilkent University, and a Phd degree in Computer Science from UC Santa Barbara.