Pozývame vás na pozvanú prednášku k študentskej vedeckej konferencii IIT.SRC 2009
Open Corpus Adaptive Hypermedia
Problems, Pathways and Practice
University of Pittsburgh, School of Information Sciences
29. apríl 2009 o 8:50
poslucháreň CD 150
(prízemie medzi blokmi C a D)
Open corpus adaptive hypermedia could be considered one of the major challenges of the adaptive hypermedia community since it can dramatically extend the range of applicability of adaptive hypermedia systems. An open corpus adaptive hypermedia system can be defined in as an “adaptive hypermedia system which operates on an open corpus of documents, e.g., a set of documents that is not known at design time and, moreover, can constantly change and expand”. For the last five years open corpus adaptive hypermedia has been one of the priorities of our research group at the University of Pittsburgh. The goal of this presentation is to discuss the problems of open corpus adaptive hypermedia, review major approaches for developing adaptive navigation support for open corpus AHS system, and report our experience with some of these approaches.