FIIT STU v spolupráci so spoločnosťou IBM prináša študentom, ako aj všetkým záujemcom a nadšencom IT, prednášku dlhoročného odborníka na High Performance Computing.
David Turek: Porazia superpočítače COVID-19?
(Vice President of Technical Computing, IBM Cognitive Systems, USA)
6. mája 2020 o 16.00 hod.
prostredníctvom platformy Cisco Webex na tomto linku:
Event number: 849 417 373
Heslo: FIIT
Prednáška o konzorciu, ktorého súčasťou sú IBM, MIT, NASA, Amazon, Google a ďalší, ktorého cieľom je sprístupniť vedcom a špičkovým výskumným inštitúciam prístup k obrovskému výpočtovému výkonu, aby sme mohli spoločne čo najskôr poraziť COVID-19.
Primárne využitie tejto supersily má slúžiť najmä na tvorbu prediktívnych modelov, ktoré ukážu, ako sa táto choroba vyvíja, a na tvorbu modelov vedúcich k potenciálnym liečbam alebo vakcíne. Bezprecedentný celkový výkon 16-tich systémov, skladajúcich sa zo 775000 CPU jadier a 34000 GPU jadier, je až 330 petaflopov, vďaka čomu mnohé výpočty netrvajú týždne a mesiace, ale rádovo iba hodiny. Bude to však na porazenie pandémie COVID-19 stačiť?
COVID-19 High Performance Computing Consortium:
IBM, in collaboration with the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the U.S. Department of Energy, has launched the COVID-19 High Performance Computing Consortium. The Consortium will help aggregate computing capabilities from some of the most powerful and advanced computers in the world to help researchers everywhere better understand COVID-19, its treatments and potential cures.
The consortium bring together an unprecedented amount of supercomputing power—16 systems with more than 330 petaflops, 775,000 CPU cores, 34,000 GPUs, and counting—to help researchers everywhere tackle this global challenge. These high-performance computing (HPC) systems allow researchers to run very large numbers of calculations in epidemiology, bioinformatics, and molecular modeling in hours or days, not weeks, months or years.
Two critically important applications of this compute power could include: developing predictive models to assess how the disease is progressing and modeling new potential therapies and a possible vaccine.
Partners within the consortium include: IBM, Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LLNL), Argonne National Lab (ANL), Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Sandia National Laboratory (SNL), Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), the National Science Foundation (NSF), NASA, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Amazon, and Google. IBM will together with partners coordinate efforts across the consortium to evaluate proposals from top institutions, and provide access to HPC capacity for projects that can make the most immediate impact.
This new effort builds on already promising uses of supercomputing to fight COVID-19, and could dramatically accelerate scientific discoveries to combat the pandemic.
Pozrite si tlačovú správu Svetový expert na superpočítanie z IBM bude dnes prednášať na FIIT STU (Bratislava 6. 5. 2020)
About David Turek
Dave is currently the Vice President of Exascale Systems at IBM with responsibility for IBM’s overall high performance computing strategy.
In previous executive positions Dave helped launch IBM’s Grid Computing business, and started and ran IBM’s Linux Cluster business. As a development executive he had responsibility for IBM’s SP supercomputer program as well as the mainframe version of AIX and other Unix software. In that capacity he orchestrated the initial IBM development effort in support of the US Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
He has been recognized for his contributions to the Roadrunner program at Los Alamos National Laboratory in the Congressional Record and sits on the Advisory Committee to the National Simulation Center at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
Dave has degrees in Philosophy and Mathematics from the University of Rochester, a Masters Degree from Trinity College, and advanced study at the University of Pennsylvania in Operations Research.