Pozývame vás na semináre so spoločnosťou HP - Súčasnosť a budúcnosť biznis technológií HP
Project management profession
27. novembra 2007
v utorok od 17:00 do 18:30 v CD 150
This session will be held in English!
Rudolf Novák, Chris Le Mao
Anotácia prednášky:
This session will try to cover in an interactive way the main aspects of the project management.
The participants will discover the project management role from a global perspective and will be shown samples of management activities from our current projects.
- Introduction to project management
- How to become a project manager?
- Roles and responsibilities
- Project management activities
- Our daily life as PMs
- Our team
- Our tasks
- Our time schedule
- ...
- What’s after?
- Discussion