Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2010
May 13-15, 2010
Budmerice, Slovakia
ORGANIZED by the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics Comenius University, Bratislava, the Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, the Slovak Society for Computer Science in cooperation with Eurographics, The European Association for Computer Graphics.
Paper submission deadline: | March 7, 2010 |
Notification of acceptance: | April 2, 2010 |
Camera-ready papers and posters due: | April 18, 2010 |
Conference registration open: | March, 2010 |
Registration deadline: | May 12, 2010 |
The conference attempts to communicate research results in the field of computer graphics and its applications.
Possible topics include:
- advanced interaction (haptic, sketch-based interfaces)
- advanced lighting (reflections, translucency, scattering)
- applications of computer graphics
- color in computer graphics
- computational photography, image-based computer graphics
- computer animation
- computer graphics for small/large displays
- geometric modeling and advanced concepts
- global illumination, photo-realistic computer graphics
- graphics hardware and hardware-related techniques (GPU)
- illustrative graphics, non-photorealistic techniques
- image processing and computer vision
- information visualization
- parallelization in computer graphics
- perceptual aspects of computer graphics
- physically based modeling, natural phenomena
- real-time rendering
- scientific visualization
- simulation for computer graphics
- theoretical foundations
- user interfaces, human-computer interaction
- virtual environments / augmented reality / mixed reality
- visualization
- volume graphics, semi-transparent media
The official language will be English without translation.