prof. Peter Vojtaš
(Karlova univerzita v Prahe, ČR)
You are invited, to meet a researcher
in query processing and optimization
in parallel and large-scale distributed environments,
mobile databases, and database performance
October 26, 2017 at 10:00 am
in Charles Babbage room
(room -1.57) FIIT STU in Bratislava, Ilkovičova 2
We will report on our continuation of our work after finishing the project ”NAZOU - tools for acquisition, representation, organization and maintenance of knowledge in an environment of heterogeneous information resources”. From heterogeneous information resources we concentrated on web and acquisition turned to semantization (understood as a continuous process of turning web content to “web of data”). We mention some unsupervised learning experiments (using elements population and similarities under assumption of single template form). For supervised learning an annotation tool was developed (under assumption people invest time end effort for annotation for friends on a social network). For automated understanding of textual web content we use inductive logic programming on dependency representation of sentences (also with named entity disambiguation). Having “web of data” or an e-shop, we developed user preference learning from both explicit rating and implicit behavior and aiming for more intuitive models (e.g. rule based) and order sensitive metrics.
Peter Vojtas studied theoretical cybernetics as a new branch of mathematics (at Charles University Prague founded in 1967 by late professor Petr Vopenka). First research period in mathematics culminated in study of absolute divergence of series and Galois-Tukey reduction of basic objects of calculus. After structural changes in society and economics of Czechoslovakia he founded Institute of Computer Science at Safarik University in Kosice, Slovakia and second (shorter) research period devoted to mathematical fuzzy logic programming (influences by late professor Petr Hajek). Third, current, research period started when cooperating with engineers from FIIT STU, Bratislava on project “NAZOU”. Here he moved from abstraction enabled formal models to inductive methods of personalized aspects of automation of information processing. He is currently full professor of computer science at Charles University in Prague.