Projekt SUSA (Sustainable Healthcare with Digital Health Data Competence) sa zameriava na rozvoj udržateľnej zdravotnej starostlivosti s digitálnym zdravím a Fakulta informatiky a informačných technológií STU v Bratislave spolu s ďalšími poprednými akademickými inštitúciami pracujú na tom, aby poskytli študentom kvalitné vzdelanie v oblasti digitálnych kompetencií pre zdravotníctvo.
Cieľom projektu je produkovať absolventov so špecializovanými digitálnymi zručnosťami, ktoré budú rozhodujúce pre pokrok v zdravotníctve celej Európy. S rozpočtom 12,4 miliónov eur a zahrnutím 12 vysokých škôl z 9 európskych krajín ide o skutočne ambiciózny projekt s veľkým potenciálom zlepšiť kvalitu zdravotnej starostlivosti v našej krajine aj celej Európe.
Projekt SUSA rieši kritické medzery v digitálnych kompetenciách zdravotnej starostlivosti a implementuje inovatívny obsah o údajoch, umelej inteligencii, kybernetickej bezpečnosti a ďalších dôležitých oblastiach. Spolupráca s partnermi z praxe, ako sú nemocnice a výskumné ústavy, zabezpečí, že študenti získajú nielen teoretické znalosti, ale aj praktické skúsenosti potrebné pre úspešnú kariéru v oblasti digitálneho zdravotníctva.
Projekt SUSA je financovaný z programu Digital Europe Programme, ktorý úzko súvisí s cieľmi Európskej únie, vrátane Európskej zelenej dohody a cieľov digitálnej dekády podporovania trvalo udržateľných riešení v oblasti zdravotnej starostlivosti prostredníctvom pokročilého vzdelávania.
SUSA má štyri hlavné ciele:
- Spoločné navrhnutie a poskytnutie integrovaného programu vzdelávania pokročilých digitálnych zručností na mieru v 20 bakalárskych a 26 magisterských študijných programoch a 16 súvisiacich samostatných modulov
- Implementovať inovatívnu iniciatívu na prilákanie kvalifikovaných učiteľov a študentov pre SUSA ponuka vzdelávania
- Aktualizovať digitálne infraštruktúry na podporu vnútornej prevádzkyschopnosti medzi vysokými školami pri poskytovaní SUSA vzdelávacích programov
- Zabezpečenie udržateľnosti vzdelávacieho programu SUSA prostredníctvom udržateľného partnerstva a integrácie s existujúcimi, alebo vznikajúcimi iniciatívami
Projekt začal 1. 1. 2025 a kick-off stretnutie bude 16. 1. 2025 vo Fínsku.
SUSA Project Team
Fakulta informatiky a informačných technológií
Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave
Email: fedor.lehocki[at]
Press Release
Bratislava 9 January 2025
A Massive Project for Developing Sustainable Healthcar
The Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, in collaboration with a consortium of leading academic institutions, research centers, and industry stakeholders, proudly announces the launch of the Sustainable Healthcare with Digital Health Data Competence (SUSA). This transformative initiative aims to address the pressing need for advanced digital skills in healthcare, preparing professionals to navigate a rapidly digitizing landscape and empowering them to leverage data for sustainable healthcare solutions.
SUSA is a massive project with 12,4 ME budget in total. The consortium has 12 higher education institutions from 9 European countries. The initiative is set to deliver 46 revamped and integrated bachelor’s and master’s degree programs, complemented by 16 modular learning opportunities for lifelong learning. These innovative educational offerings are designed to produce 6558 graduates and upskill 660 professionals with specialized digital competencies critical to advancing healthcare practices across Europe.
"This is a pivotal moment for European healthcare education," muses Professor Minna Isomursu, SUSA’s project leader and Professor at the University of Oulu. "Through SUSA, we are creating a workforce that can harness digital health data to revolutionize patient care, improve efficiency, and contribute to a more sustainable and equitable healthcare system. By integrating cutting-edge technology and interdisciplinary collaboration into education, we are not just preparing students for the future — we are equipping them to shape it."
An Education Model for the Digital Era
The SUSA educational framework addresses critical gaps in healthcare’s digital competencies by introducing innovative content on data, artificial intelligence (AI), cybersecurity, Internet of Things (IoT), sustainability, regulation and global health. These competencies are embedded in the degree programs of participating universities, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and equipping students with real-world skills needed to work effectively in today’s healthcare settings.
The curriculum also offers flexibility through lifelong learning modules, targeting healthcare professionals seeking to update their digital skills. Designed to accommodate diverse career paths, these modules enable medical professionals, care providers, and technical staff to integrate advanced digital tools into their work, enhancing employability and supporting career growth.
A defining feature of the SUSA project is its emphasis on collaboration with key stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem. Partner organizations include hospitals, research institutes, and technology providers, ensuring that students gain practical experience and exposure to real-world challenges.
"Healthcare is evolving rapidly, and so should its education system," Professor Minna Isomursu adds. "The integration of academic knowledge with industry expertise ensures our graduates are not only skilled but also ready to lead in transforming healthcare practices globally."
Supporting a Sustainable Future
Funded by Digital Europe Programme, SUSA aligns closely with European Union goals, including the European Green Deal and Digital Decade objectives, by promoting sustainable healthcare solutions through advanced education. By training a generation of professionals proficient in data-driven decision- making, the project supports long-term policy objectives such as reducing environmental impact, improving resource efficiency, and enhancing patient outcomes.
As the SUSA project launches, its first cohort of students and professionals will embark on this transformative educational journey. Feedback from participants and ecosystem partners will guide iterative improvements, ensuring the programs remain relevant and impactful in the face of rapidly changing technological advancements.
"This launch signifies the beginning of a bold journey to transform the European healthcare landscape," says Professor Isomursu. "Through the SUSA Project, we are demonstrating the power of collaboration and education to drive meaningful change in healthcare systems worldwide."
Big consortium, big goals
SUSA represents a bold, pan-European collaboration involving 12 Higher Education Institutions, including University of Oulu (Finland), Lapland University of Applied Sciences (LUAS, Finland), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH, Greece), University of Seville (USE, Spain), University of Łódź (ULODZ, Poland), University College Dublin (UCD, Ireland), University of Limerick (UL, Ireland), Trinity College Dublin (TCD, Ireland), Middle East Technical University (METU, Türkiye), Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STUBA, Slovakia), Erasmus University Medical Center (EMC, Netherlands), and University of Zagreb (UNIZG-FER, Croatia).
Additionally, 5 SMEs integrate the consortium, including Success Clinic (Finland), Gnomon Informatics (Greece), iCognitus (Portugal), Skillnet (Ireland), Innovation through Health Data (Belgium), along with a leading research center, Ruđer Bošković Institute (RBI, Croatia), the National Children’s Hospital (Ireland), DigitalEurope, and DigitalSME.
SUSA’s educational model will empower healthcare delivery with data-driven insights, actively supporting the objectives of the European Green Deal. Project consortium is committed to fostering a healthier European society, leveraging the power of education to cultivate new generations to come.
SUSA has four main objectives:
- Co-design and co-deliver a bespoke advanced digital skills education program integrated into 20 bachelor’s and 26 master’s degree programs and 16 related self-standing modules
- Implement an innovative initiative to attract qualified teaching staff and students for SUSA education offering
- Upgrade digital infrastructures to support interoperability across HEIs for delivery of SUSA education program
- Ensure sustainability of SUSA education program through sustainable partnership and integration with existing or emerging initiatives
For more information, please contact:
SUSA Project Team
Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Email: fedor.lehocki[at]
Stay tuned for updates as the SUSA Project leads the charge in building a sustainable, data-driven healthcare ecosystem across Europe and beyond.