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8. 7. 2013 o 14:00
sa uskotoční na pôde externej vzdelávacej inštitúcie - Ústave informatiky Slovenskej akadémie vied na Dúbravskej cesta 9 v Bratislave, v miestnosti 102 obhajoba dizertačnej práce
Ing. Binha Minh Nguyena
Názov dizertačnej práce: | High - Level Abstraction Layer for Development and Deployment of Cloud Services (Vysokoúrovňová abstraktná vrstva pre vývoj a nasadenie cloudových služieb) |
Odbor: | 9.2.9 Aplikovaná informatika |
- doc. Ing. Ladislav Hluchý, CSc., ÚI SAV Bratislava
Oponenti dizertačnej práce:
- doc. Ing. Ladislav Hudec, CSc. - FIIT STU v Bratislave
- doc. Ing. Penka Martincová, PhD. - FRI ŽU v Žiline
Cloud computing has seen a tremendous growth in the last five years. Although cloud computing offers considerable opportunities such as no up-front investment, lowering operating cost, and infinite scalability, there are still barriers to exploit it. One of the barriers is in the difficulties, which users are being faced when developing and deploying their own services/appliances into clouds. The work presented in this thesis is dedicated to innovative research and development of an elastic instrument allowing easy development and deployment of services on resources of multiple infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) clouds simultaneously. The instrument provides a total novel approach with emphasis on abstraction, inheritance and code reuse. The results of this thesis were experimented, validated and demonstrated by real services running in heterogeneous environments of various IaaS clouds. With the achieved results, this thesis completed all requirements of the assignment.
Autoreferát dizertačnej práce zaslaný do vedeckého časopisu Information Sciences and Technologies - Bulletin of ACM Slovakia
Dizertačná práca je k nahliadnutiu na Študijnom oddelení FIIT STU.