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21. 8. 2015 o 8.30 hod.
sa uskutoční na Fakulte informatiky a informačných technológií STU v Bratislave
Ilkovičova 2, v miestnosti 5.08 obhajoba dizertačnej práce
Ing. Miroslava Sieberta
Názov dizertačnej práce:
Metódy testovania porúch oneskorení na kritických cestách v digitálnych systémoch
Methods of critical paths delay faults testing in digital systems
Odbor: 9.2.9 Aplikovaná informatika
Školiteľ: doc. RNDr. Elena Gramatová, PhD. - FIIT STU v Bratislave
Oponenti dizertačnej práce:
Ing. Marcel Baláž, PhD. - ÚI SAV, Bratislava
doc. Ing. Petr Fišer, Ph.D. - FIT ČVUT v Prahe
The dissertation thesis is aimed at automatic delay faults test generation methods for digital systems. Path delay faults are tested via selected critical paths in a tested digital circuit. The critical paths can be specified e.g. by static timing analysis (STA), statistical static timing analysis (SSTA) and others. Signal delay propagation is also affected by many factors such as power supply noise, multiple input switching, temperature and others during test. The impact of each factor to the path delay faults has been individually solved and published in some papers but their joint effects should be also investigated.
A new method for evaluation of critical paths and a general system for critical paths selection, named PaCGen, are presented in the dissertation thesis. The method is based on STA and influences of multiple factors used in the new technique for path criticality calculation. Some critical paths can be found as untestable based on structure of the circuit. The proposed system PaCGen includes also more effective DFT (design-for-testability) technique to change untestable critical paths to testable. Evaluation of the proposed method, system and used techniques has been done over selected benchmark circuits and compared with published results.
Autoreferát dizertačnej práce zaslaný do vedeckého časopisu Information Sciences and Technologies - Bulletin of ACM Slovakia.
Dizertačná práca je k nahliadnutiu na Študijnom oddelení FIIT STU.