Cristina Conati: The Eyes Are the Windows to the Mind: Implications for Intelligent User Interfaces
(University of Bristish Columbia, Canada)
You are invited to meet a researcher focuses on building experimental systems to explore the intersection of model-driven software composition techniques, business process modelling languages, and autonomic/Cloud computing,
at the student research conference IIT.SRC 2018
April 18, 2018 at 8:45 am
in the Aula Magna
(room -1.61) FIIT STU in Bratislava, Ilkovičova 2
Conati is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. She received a M.Sc. in Computer Science at the University of Milan, as well as a M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Intelligent Systems at the University of Pittsburgh. Conati’s research is at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Cognitive Science, with the goal to create intelligent interactive systems that can capture relevant user’s properties (states, skills, needs) and personalize the interaction accordingly. Her areas of interest include User Modeling, Affective Computing, Intelligent Virtual Agents, and Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Conati has over 100 peer-reviewed publications in these fields, and her research has received awards from a variety of venues, including UMUAI, the Journal of User Modeling and User Adapted Interaction (2002), the ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2007), the International Conference of User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP 2013, 2014), TiiS, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Interactive Systems (2014), and the International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA 2016). Dr. Conati is an associate editor for UMUAI, ACM TiiS, IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, and the Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. She served as President of AAAC, (Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing), as well as Program or Conference Chair for several international conferences including UMAP, ACM IUI, and AI in Education.