Harmonogram a rozloženie posterov v sekciách: BLOK 1
Intelligent Information Processing |
BLOK I | ||
Jakub Kubanyi: | The Relation of Gaze Fixations and User’s Skill in the Digital Space | bak. |
Rastislav Krchňavý: | Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis | inž. |
Mária Dragúňová: | Working Memory Capacity Identification by Eye Tracking: Considering Saliency of AOIs | inž. |
Matej Červenka: | Analysis of Eye Movement Patterns Depending on Task in the Web Environment | inž. |
Andrej Švec: | Modelling the Appropriateness of Text Posts | inž. |
Samuel Pecár: | Opinion Summarization of Customer Reviews: Sentiment Analysis | dok. |
Kamil Burda: | Detection of Impostors for Behavioral Biometric Authentication on Mobile Devices | dok. |
BLOK II | ||
Jakub Hagara: | Comparison of DOP and EPDOP for Beacon Placement | inž. |
Martina Redajová: | Automatic Recognition of users’ Characteristics based on Eye-tracking Data | inž. |
Barbora Pavlíková: | Patterns Identification in EEG | inž. |
Martin Mocko: | Data Simulation - Overcoming the Obstacles of Unavailable Data | inž. |
Martin Nemček: | Fast Density-based Downsampling of Cytometry Data | inž. |
Tomas Juhaniak :  | Automatic Detection of Cognitive Load from Pupil Dilation in Real world Scenarios | inž. |
Veronika Gondová: | Abstraction of Users’ Footprints in the Domains without Explicit Categories | inž. |
Web Science and Engineering |
BLOK I | ||
Andrej Slaninka, David Majerčák, Daniela Sitárová, Martin Žák: | Webable: Way of Giving Eyes to Blind People on the Web | bak. |
Katarína Rafčíková: | Automatic Evaluation of User Interface Based on Aesthetic Features | bak. |
Dániel Papp: | Visual Attention and Saliency Mapping on Web Page Elements | inž. |
Martin Mokrý: | Identification of the User Skill on the Web Based on Patterns in Eye Tracking Data | inž. |
Sandra Kostova: | Automatic Assessment of User’s Curiosity Based on Behavior on the Web | inž. |
Martin Šrank: | Improving Diversity and Freshness of Newsletters in Community Question Answering Systems | inž. |
Patrik Berger: | User Modelling for Churn Prediction in E-commerce | inž. |
BLOK II | ||
Matúš Salát: | User Segmentation for Personalization of Newsletters in CQA Systems | inž. |
Marek Roštár: | Personalized Recommender with Taking into Account Visual Input | inž. |
Marek Bernád: | Is Electronic Identity Needful? | inž. |
Michal Kren: | Improving Robustness Against Websites’ Changes During Web Data Extraction | inž. |
Peter Gašpar: | User Feedback Interpretation for Personalized Recommendation: Visual Bias Analysis | dok. |
Patrik Hlaváč: | Towards Estimating Web-Navigation Skills by Gaze Metrics | dok. |
Martin Svrček: | Detection of UsabilityPproblems on the Web by the Use of Eye Tracking | dok. |
Software Engineering |
BLOK I | ||
Daniel Kováč: | C-SPARQL Query Editor | bak. |
Michal Fabiš: | Automatized Management of Mocks | bak. |
Patrik Januška: | Source Code Similarity Detection on Complex Event Driven Architecture | inž. |
Martin Olejár: | Semantic Conflict Detection in Software Models | inž. |
Gergely Abelovský: | Database Management in Spring using AOP | inž. |
Jakub Ondik: | Visualization of Modifications in Software Models | inž. |
Juraj Petrík: | NLP Approaches Source Code Authorship | dok. |
BLOK II | ||
Michal Kráľ: | Composing Software Based on Detailed Specification in Natural Language | inž. |
Jakub Ondik: | Extendable Software Modelling Architecture | inž. |
Matus Kislan: | Automated Evaluation of SQL Queries in Solving of Interactive Tasks | inž. |
Jozef Zaťko: | Page Flow Views on Software | inž. |
Marek Bruchatý: | Regression Testing with Test Selection and Test Case Prioritization | inž. |
Andrej Žlnka: | Code Smells Impact on Source Code Comprehensibility | inž. |
Martin Hoang: | Cubely: Virtual Reality Block-based Programming Environment | inž. |
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence |
BLOK I | ||
Adam Puškáš: | Household Load Profile Creation Based on Clustering Time-series Data for a PV System Recommender Application | bak. |
Tomáš Pohl: | Biometric User Identification via Hand Gestures with Leap Motion Controller | bak. |
Dávid Kubík: | Mathematical Optimization of Design Parameters of Photovoltaic Module | bak. |
Veronika Balážová: | Prediction of Users’ Personality Traits Based on Task Solving on the Web | inž. |
Norbert Danišik: | Processing of Big Data Acquired by Sport Activity | inž. |
Matúš Pikuliak: | Parameter Sharing for Cross-lingual Multi-task Learning | dok. |
Michal Farkaš: | Linguistic Regularities between Words and their Definitions | dok. |
BLOK II | ||
Andrej Hucko: | Diacritics Restoration using Deep Neural Networks | bak. |
Veronika Žatková: | Customer’s Intent Prediction Based on Help Desk Data | bak. |
Peter Pavlík: | Dynamic Weighted Majority in Ensemble Learning | bak. |
Adam Kňaze: | Generating More Coherent and Informative Responses with Neural Chatbot | bak. |
Adam Rafajdus: | WeGAN – Weather Forecast with Generative Adversarial Networks | inž. |
Peter Belai: | Clustering Algorithm for Large Amounts of Time Series Streams | inž. |
Jaroslav Loebl: | Gems in Cartesian Genetic Programming - Preliminary Report | dok. |
Computer Graphics, Multimedia and Computer Vision |
BLOK I | ||
Ľubomíra Trnavská: | Image Processing of MRI Images in Neoadjuvant Treatment of Breast Cancer | bak. |
Tibor Nagy: | Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease by the Analysis of Data Obtained from Cognitive Tests using Machine Learning Algorithms | inž. |
Miroslav Laco: | Depth in the Visual Attention Modeling from the Egocentric Perspective of View | inž. |
Štefan Grivalský: | Automated Segmentation of Brain Gliomas using Convolutional Neural Networks | inž. |
Lukáš Hudec: | Texture Similarity Evaluation via Siamese Convolutional Neural Network | dok. |
BLOK II | ||
Miloš Pallo: | Detection and Objects Recognition using 3D Sensors | inž. |
Patrik Gajdošík: | Eye Tracking using Deep Neural Networks | inž. |
Lukáš Marták: | Polyphonic Note Transcription of Time-domain Audio Signal with Deep WaveNet Architecture | dok. |
Marek Jakab: | Autoencoder Based Pattern Description and Matching | dok. |
Computer Networks, Computer Systems and Security |
BLOK I | ||
Alexander Valach: | Utilization of the LoRa Technology in Healthcare IoT Devices | bak. |
Christian Chodúr: | Securing Communication on UART Interface | bak. |
Roman Hroš: | Generating Subgraphs of Finite Grids | bak. |
Martin Ilavský: | New Testing Scenarios for MANET Routing Protocols | inž. |
Michal Vantuch: | Web Systems Security Increase by Honeypot Technology | inž. |
Pavol Gočal: | Energy-Efficient Communication of IoT Devices Using Timing Channels and Prioritization | inž. |
Rudolf Grežo: | Security in Software Defined Networks | dok. |
Jaroslav Erdelyi: | Communication in the Internet of Thing environment | dok. |
BLOK II | ||
Lukáš Visokai: | Automatic Change of the Position of Flying Wireless Device Basedon the Dynamic Changes in the Communication Network | inž. |
Mario Keszeli: | Secure Inter-vehicle Communication | inž. |
Lukáš Račko: | Secure Authorization via Mobile Devices | inž. |
Zora Moravčíková: | Automatic Adaptation of Game Mechanics Based on a Player Status | inž. |
Jaroslav Tóth: | Forecasting of Network Traffic Parameters in Software-defined Networking | inž. |
Kristián Košťál: | 802.11 Seamless Handover using Common SDN Control Channel | dok. |
Lukáš Doubravský: | Remote Reprogramming of Embedded Devices | dok. |
Information Applications |
BLOK I | ||
Peter Jurkáček: | Automatic Detection and Notification of Potholes on Roads to Drivers | bak. |
Zsolt Straňovský: | Identification of Mobile Devices by their Hardware Characteristics | bak. |
Martin Hauskrecht: | BananaTV: Presentation System | inž. |
Matej Puk: | Simulator of Distributed Algorithms | inž. |
TP Cup Competition Projects |
BLOK I | ||
Denis Grotkovský, Martin Gulis, Jakub Janeček, Michal Ševčík, Jana Tomcsányiová, Barbora Ungerová, Marek Vlha: | OntoSEC: Cloud Service Recognition | inž. |
Lukáš Babula, Pavel Balashov, Michal Dolnák, Michal Hucko, Elena Štefancová, Miroslav Valčičák, Andrej Vítek: | Votter: A Web Tool for Managing Decisions | inž. |
Michal Polák, Nghia Pham Van, Michal Selický, Michal Števuliak, Marek Števuliak, Martin Fukas, Ľubomír Samotný: | Open Contracts: Linking Open Public Data | inž. |
Barbora Čelesová, Tomáš Koreň, Jakub Pullmann, Michal Puškáš, Matúš Sosňak, Peter Štofaňák, Jozef Vaľko: | Bee-hives Monitoring using Internet of Things | inž. |
Peter Babinec, Martin Hoang, Jakub Hučko, Marek Karas, Miroslav Lehotský, Samuel Púčať, Jakub Mičo, Stanislav Vnenčák: | Smart Parking | inž. |
Peter Berta, Michal Krempaský, Matej Adamov, Ondrej Hamara, Bronislava Pecíková: | DeepSearch: Building Ontologies from Unstructured Biographies | inž. |
Matúš Cuper, Ondrej Kaščák, Lukáš Manduch, Ivana Mujgošová, Jozef Pazúrik, Ondrej Pitoňák, Ondrej Selecký, Martin Schnürer: | ReCommers - Recommendation for E-commerce | inž. |
Ivan Andrejkovič, Tadeáš Broniš, Gabriela Hózová, Nikolas Janec, Jaroslav Lišiak, Tomáš Ofčarovič, Michal Škuta: | Immersive Web | inž. |
BLOK II | ||
Tomáš Gábrš, Martina Halajová, Martin Hauskrecht, Lukáš Meňhert, Filip Mrocek, Michal Staškovan, Filip Súkeník: | Invest: Investment Portal for Laics | inž. |
Gergely Abelovsky, Peter Bakonyi, Patrik Beka, Matúš Čičman, Peter Kaňuch, Jakub Kazimír, Tomáš Lach, Michaela Nguyenová: | Behavioral Biometrics on Mobile Devices | inž. |
Miroslav Hurajt, Daniel Machajdík, Tibor Nagy, Svorad Sabatula, Pavol Valko, Matej Války, Ján Mikuláš Zigo: | MedPix: Simplifying the Analysis of Complex Medical Image Data | inž. |
Mária Dlhá, Štefan Grivalský, Yurii Hubar, Erik Chodorčuk, Nadežda Juhásová, Adam Strásky, Roderik Williger, Peter Žabka: | Distributional System of Questionnaires | inž. |
Michal Melúch, Adrián Nagy, Peter Písecký, Miloslav Smetana, Ján Kleň, Tomáš Mňačko, Lukáš Vrba: | Collab-UI: A Collaborative User Interface Prototyping Tool | inž. |